Tonight's Graduation

Wow it's been a really long day. I woke up for school, and went half a day and received and honors award, then later I hit the mall with my friends. My feet were hurting like hell walking all day and eventually we had to leave because we had to get home and get ready for the ceremony. My family and I had went to get our pics taken professionally then headed to the assembly hall where the graduation was being held. When they had called my dental lab to get our career passports....I knew it was all real. I had been nervous as ever as well as the rest of my classmates. I'm going to truly miss them 💗


Also it was this cute boy named Mason, so every time they mentioned his name my classmates would look at me because I had been talking about him all day. He's really handsome, nice tan skin, dark hair, and green eyes. Ugh he looks good and my friend got his number. Sadly I'm too timid to approach any guy, let alone asking for their number.....Anways this night will not be forgotten and hope for a great future for myself. My high school graduation will be held in Sunday. Things will become more real then


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Lucky you!! I graduate in 2016 xC Two years ugh. lol
Good luck in College and everything! ^.^ <3
OMG. . . .CONGRATS UNNI. . . HAVE FUN IN COLLEGE. . . .*ugh* I still have 3 more years to go, lol hwaiting
congrats to you.wishes you more success and bright,happy future.hope u will able to talk to him next time.good luck
asianhiphopdancer #4
Green eyes? I've never seen anyone with green eyes.. But sounds nice! :3 haha :P I can never approach a guy either....I'm....really really shy ^^"

CONGRATUALTIONS btw! Hope you have a bright future! :D
wheres-my-cookie #5
Congratulations! :D I'm the same as you and can't really approach guys cuz I'm too timid ._.
Congrats :) As for this Mason fella, it wouldn't hurt to send him a text would it? I'm quite timid myself but I know nothing ever worth having comes easy (just like your graduation!) so we should put ourselves out there! Don't let that cute guy walk away if you've been talking about him all day!

As a suggestion for how you could actually get to know him: Why not organize something with a group of friends and invite him to it? That way, he isn't pressured by hanging out with you alone (assuming you guys aren't close) but you still have a chance to at least get familiar. See if you can find mutual friends and take a shot! You can only win the race if you're in it!