From Her Suicide Note


I think we were around 10 when we met each other. You were the weird girl in the back who kept writing in her thick disney princess journal, ignoring everyone except to raise your head to answer questions. I was the girl who never really noticed you until I got my glasses, having to sit next to you because another girl needed my seat. I sat down next to you and stared at your journal, noticing the faces of the princess' marked out.
"I don't like princesses," you murmured to me.
When I asked why, you explained to me that princess' were weak and selfish.  That instead of trying to figure out who they were and what they really wanted, they went towards the prince because they believed it was where they had to be. 
Pretty big words for a 10 year old.
I stared at you in awe and knew that we would become best friends. You took me under your wing and showed me a different world. I was the first person to know your deepest darkest secrets. I was the first person to see you cry because you were sad for no reason. 
And you were the first person to help me not be sad too.
As we spent a lot of time together, I realized how much I hated you. While I was the pretty one, you were the confident and strong one. When people bullied you and called you names, you never backed down. When I was bullied for hanging out with you, you defended me. 
And I hated you for that.
I hated you because I couldn't help you the way you helped me. I hated you because you always came to my rescue, even when I didn't need it. You were someone I wanted to be but never could. You would eventually find someone to love more than me.
And I was scared.
I became sad and lonely because you found something you were passionate about. The way you would write stories about girls who were strong yet weak was breathtaking. The way you would make the girl end up with the monster rather than prince charming was inspiring. The fact that you wanted to be a writer made me jealous.
"Lonely people know that the beast isn't that mean and evil. They're just scared of being alone."
You were probably the first person that didn't believe bad people truly existed. You would always argue that they were just sad because they thought no one understood them. 
But when I started to be mean to you, when I began to show how much I hated you, you never said anything. You just took my comments and smiled. You would wait until I finally broke down, rubbing my back as I cried for you to leave. I didn't deserve to be your friend no matter how much you defended me. I grew to hate myself because you gave up on your work. You decided to go into medicine. When I asked you why, you would stare at me before looking away.
"Good people shouldn't be sad. Good people shouldn't be sick. People like us shouldn't have to feel sad."
You would stay up into the night, studying your eyes out to make it into med school. While you studied to make us better, I would sit in the background and write about myself. You would encourage me to continue, to make myself happier this way. 
But I didn't have the talent you had. I didn't have the strength to try and be happy.
But when I heard you were writing fanfics, the look on your face as you would tell me what you had planned made me happy for once. I couldn't help but feel proud when you started getting readers, when you made them happy. You would run to my house with a notebook full of ideas. You would stare at me and jump with joy.
What I didn't know was that I was your inspiration. That Ae Ri in "Before I Let You Go" was me. That Kai's character in "A Frozen Flower" was me. That Chanmi in "How I Met Byun Baekhyun" was me.
That the depressed girl was me when I yelled at you. That the boy in an unrequited love was me when I fell in love with a boy I couldn't have. That the naive and sweet girl was me when we were together. 
Except that you were the one who collected straws.
I would see how happy you looked when you wrote and how sad you were when you studied. I would hate you because you weren't as sad as me anymore. You were changing right in front of me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. 
Yet, I didn't want to stop it. 
I wanted you to continue writing, I wanted you to keep making yourself happy. 
Even if it meant that I wouldn't be.
So you might be wondering why I decided to leave you. Maybe I couldn't be saved like you. Maybe I was just too sad. Maybe it's my way of making sure I wouldn't stand in your way. But I just want you to know that you will always be my best friend. You will always be the 10 year old girl who hates princesses and the 22 year old whose story got featured. 
I just don't want to stay here and be sad. I think there might be a better place for sad people like me. Maybe if I ever get reborn, I can be reborn as you. 
So don't be sad anymore and don't feel bad for me anymore. I just hope you continue writing. I just hope you can make good people not feel sad anymore. And I hope that you do meet Suho and marry him. And make sure that Xiumin finds himself a proper girl.
I'll be watching and waiting. I'll be waiting for the moment you get your first book published. 
I'll be waiting for the moment you won't have to cry yourself to sleep. The moment you can tell that special boy you like him. The moment where you won't fake a smile anymore.
So make me proud. Make good ol' Katie feel proud.

I am so sorry guys but I can't do this anymore. I'm going to go away for a while so please understand me. I'm not even sure whether or not I'll come back. I just needed to write this so you guys can understand why I'm leaving. My friend Katie committed suicide and I don't have the strength to write anymore. I'll let everyone know if I will come back or not. I just want people to know who my friend was. I just wanted to find a way to cope. This may not be the best way but it's the one I can do it without breaking down. 

I'm so sorry.


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when i read this post,my eyes get teary,author-nim i know how your feel,i feel so sorry for your lost but we have to move on.

please don't worry
about us(your readers) take your time to update your story we will surely understand it.

While reading your story, "How I Met Byun Baekhyun," I saw lots of mention of a girl named Katie. I always thought that you two wrote the story together, except you would just post it on one account. So I went around, fumbling on this blog post and began to tear up. All I could think of I don't know how you did it, but I'm glad you continued to stay strong.
Oh my god I'm so sorry for your lost but please stay strong ;(I know you're having a hard time rn but don't beat yourself into it. Dont min us here keep just gather all your strength and come back whenever you're ready ;( it mustve hard dealing that kind of situation. Fighting! Condolence to your and her family
Stay strong. I don't know who you are in real life and I don't know your best friend, but I know that that's what she would want you to do. I know how you feel, I just lost the person that I deeply love too, but knowing that she's somewhere looking at me with my baby bro and grandpa makes me feel at peace. And you know what Sirius said right? That the ones that love us never really leave us because we can always find them in our hearts.

Stay strong. And stay safe on your journey author nim.
i feel sorry for your lost :( stay strong and i hope she'll rest in peace..

we all support you
weird_fellaf #6
Hope that she'll rest in peace... Stay strong, too, Author-nim... I'll support you for whatever you choose... If that's your choice, you must be sure that it was all for the better... Well, maybe, yeah... As a reader, maybe I feel a bit disappointed... But your situation is much more important to me... I know that it's really hard to lose a loved one... Because i myself have gone over that. But I just hope that you'll react to that much better than me. I myself cried for many days and so... Everyone must be sad if they must go through that, who won't be sad? But don't cry too long, Author-nim... Your friend won't be that happy if you keep grieving over and over... She wants you to be happy. I hope that you'll stay healthy, Author-nim...
*u write even u dont want to just to sastify us subbers.
We will all support you.
Please take care of yourself. :(
I will hate the fact that u will write even though u dont want to.
Stay strong.
hana-kim #9
I'm so sorry for your lost. :( please be strong as we will still be here for you, supporting you always. Take care. :(
you will cry, you will be sad, but you will move on. I cannot say other words. I am just scared for my best friend noe, because, in some way, this is so like our friendship. and she is suicidal.

but i feel u.
la-la-la-la #11
My heart aches for you, so you would have to ache less. Only time will help. You don't have to stay strong, but just hang in there. Barely make it, until you are able to make it fully.
My deepest condolences for your loss. You don't have to come back, us readers will definitely miss your stories but we won't push you to come back. If you feel that the time is right to not come back to AFF, we will understand. But if you still hold that passion of writing stories, fulfill your best friend's wish. Write that book and publish it, your friend Katie will be proud and she'd like to read that book one day.
Stay strong Unnie, losing a best friend is losing a big part of you but I'm sure you'll find a way to patch things up. It will be difficult but stay being the strong girl Katie said that you are, we may not know you but we still feel that passion in your heart.
Stay well. We will miss you.
I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I really am. It's just-I understand. Go as long as you want. Don't come back if that will make you happy though we will miss you. I will miss you. You should go somewhere that will make you happy or relaxed at least. And let her go. Don't close up from everyone. Allow people to help and get to know you. I'm sure she doesn't want you to become the cold emotionless girl. "Do things that make you happy." I'm sure she will say that. Remember she will always be with you in your heart. She will be watching you from above. Don't give on life. She wants you to be happy, to go on. At least fulfill her last wish. She will be happy then. She will go without regrets then. Make her happy. Make yourself happy. One more thing if you ever need someone to talk to tell us. We'll be there. We are from different countries but I'm sure our words can console you. Dont be sad and depress. Don't skip meals and stay healthy. That is what she wants. Don't cry too much like I always did. Talk to someone or us about it. Don't keep it to yourself like I did. It will break you. And don't be alone. It will also break you. Trust me I have experience on being alone. I break down almost everyday. It is hurts. I know. I also don't know whether or not I should stay in this world. Maybe being gone is better. Maybe I really should go.
I know saying 'Sorry For Your Loss' only makes it feel worse. Because if you say that, it's just means that you don't really care. What people should say is 'We all understand. We been through this once in our life. Even if we're a thousand miles away, our hearts will be always together.' I understand how you lose a friend. You loved her and she loved you. She will be always protecting you in heaven. She will protect you from the demons and give you angels. I've lost many friends, and that's why I always try to hide it through stoic faces, but what's worse if when people bully you just to have a laugh from a person or two. That's why my walls are crumbling. Maybe she'll come back, as a different person, but with the same personality. Love is strong and will never fade. She wanted to be free from this sick society, and I would want to too. What I'm saying is that, she's finally happy. Even if she lost her friends, she is finally free and be able to anything she wants now, and she'll be protecting you AND you friends. She could be watching you read this right now too.
BlockSoyendan #15
There is no need to apologize. I am so sorry for your loss.