Great News!

So I think I mentioned to everyone that I had entered a writing competition at my uni around 2 months ago. I had managed to advance to the final with my story but I needed to write another short story to accompany my first. I entered that about 3 weeks ago and I finally got the news today. I managed to win first place!! You guys have no idea how much this means to me. It's probably the first time ever I entered a contest. I am just so happy that I am seriously considering doing something special for everyone. All my hard work paid off considering I practically never slept and got depressed with that story. I might post it here but then again, I don't want anyone else to read it. I love all my readers and subscribers but I hate the idea of people just plagiarizing my stories. So yeah, I might just give you the idea of my stories if you want to know more about it (if someone doesn't try to plagiarize it unlike my other stories: Before I Let You Go or A Frozen Flower).


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weird_fellaf #1
Congratulations on that~! Your hard work is paid nicely~ And I hope that the plagiarizing issues and such will lessen day by day... It's just too much... >.<
Congratulations unnie!!!!!
congrats congrats congrats!!!
Congrats!!! And those stupid plagiarisers. I am officially hating them. I heard about at least a few times a month and I am freaking annoyed!
sweetenuupgirl #5
Omo. Congratulations on winning first place. ^.^
miyualice #6
Congrats on winning! ^^
Yaayy congratulations!!!!! You deserve it ^^
I knew you'd win!! Your so talented! Congrats Unnie! <3
84_ysayahya11 #9
Oh ma god! I'm happy for you, author-nim~! Congratulations!!~~
Congrats!!!! I'm really happy for you, author-nim!! :))
Yonghyunism #11
BangMarline #12
congratulations!! I'm really happy for you!! =) hope you keep writing and entering contests!! :) I would like to know the ideas of the story! maybe a preview? =) fighting author nim! **
Omo~ Congratulations!
Omg well done! And aw it would be awesome if U could post it, but I totally understand ur reluctance... What if U posted it on 'friends only' and 'subscribers only'? Congrats again!
orangenhead #15
OMG.I am so happy for you.Congratulations:)