Lmfao!!! It's so bad!!! :O

Lmao, okay first...I don't remember who told me to watch this. But that person was like 'Kate! Watch this! It's so funny, you'll love it!' so I was like 'cool, I'll watch it later when I get home. Maybe Kyler and I can watch it together.'


Omfg. Okay, we jsut finished watching it after watching a movie (Transformers 2) because I just remembered about it. This music video is sooo bad! Like, how could a person watch this without thinking 'what the hell were they thinking?!!' haha

Seriously. The dude in the blonde hair may have a fine body but he can't dance!!! AT ALL! They had to have another person cover him up while dancing he was so bad. And they can't sing.

Honey, and this is to the people in the music video, don't dance and sing at the same time. You might hurt yourself.

You definately hurt my eyes. And poor Kyler is having hallucinations from laughing so hard!

P.S. Don't try copying K-pop again. You look like ing idiots.



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lmao it's real. believe me. i almost pissed myself the first time i saw it when it came out. such a rip off of the culture.
lmfao are they for real? Or is they like... a joke? And wtf was up with their hair? One of them looks like he had a dead rat on his head D: And the song... a song about facebook.. really? that's stupider than... Who's afraid of the big bad wolf by b5 -____-

but it was a good laugh ^^