Guys, this will be the first and last time I'm gonna be asking for a help like this. As a Shawol andas a writer here in AFF. You see, there was this game I'm playing. It's called Mstar and you know that it was endorsed by SHINee, right? There was this event and I need to gather likes for my entry. A facebook account is needed and I'm asking for a like/vote. It would be very awesome and appreciated if you could help me on this one.


Kindly like the picture on the link. I want to win because the prize is an autographed album of SHINee. And as a Shawol/fangirl, I want to have at least one signed album. I know I have to work hard on this one since it's something that's really important. And I'm not using my status here in AFF (as a writer and as a user). I'm not forcing anyone to like this. But I'm begging you to help me just this once. Thank you if you could help me or at least took the time to open and read this post.


Thank you so much. And I'm gonna be back with more stories (this is what I promise). Thank you thank you thank you <3


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done! gud luck!
done! best of luck! ;)