B.A.P Live on Earth

Right now, I'm so happy and EXCITED!

B.A.P Live on Earth has confirmed their concert locations for Sydney and Melbourne!

I'm so freaking happy! My dream of them coming her for their concert has finally come true!

I've ordered their official B.A.P bunny light stick so I'm just waiting for it to arrive.

I get to see them all, hear them sing live (not youtube -_-) and what not.

I'm getting the VIP ticket but I'm buying FOUR because 3 of my friends are still in school and they have

school camp on the day the tickets go on sale (Monday April 7th @4:30pm) so I'm buying it for them.

I'm getting payed back of course but yeah.



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marshmellowcakes #1
Woooot I'm ready for this!!! <33
Sighs, Just about everyone one that I know who even just remotely cares for k-pop is going to the concert but me! Yay for being unemployed! haha
my friend is in ur boat right now. She didn't have the money so my mom let us use her card so that we can see block b when they come to Florida (CUZ APPARENTLY FLORIDA DOESN'T EXIST TO ANYONE BESIDES IDOLS WHO HAVE LIVED IN THE STATES AND BLOCK B!!!!!) and she was in the middle of class and sits right in front of her prof but she was about to cry and scream and everything XD
heartcupcake #4
OMG I'm going to get ticket too ^.^ where are you going Sydney or Melbourne? I'm Melbourne ^.^ I want VIP tickets ^.^