My first NOVEL! hoho


I'm really happy now! Finally my one-shot fan fict published inform of novel!

So, eum 4 months ago I'm applying my fan-fic to contest writing fan-fic on Seriously it's just for fun, I never think if my story will passes big 30. I know I’m not that good writing in English but don't underrate my fic in my own language HOHOHO

And, wow, but it did! i passed big 30. and they suddenly announced if ficts in big 30 will they make into novel.



I've read another 29 ficts, and dammit! it's really EPIC! (so was mine xD) we have different themes who playing with readers emotions; from angry, cry, laugh, and even confuse. the ficts really well written, trust me.

the title for the novel is 'XOXO LOVE'. it's EXO's fan fictions compilation from 33 wonderful authors including 3's admin. XOXO LOVE have 3 volume. and these books are very worth for you to buy and read it. 

my fan fic's character is Chanyeol featuring Taeyeon :3 many MDR asked me why Chanyeol and Taeyeon? WHY? BECAUSE I'M FREAKING LOVE THEM BOTH lol

here the sneak peak;




Buy XOXO LOVE here



"That's All aren't Just a Dreams."

One day, Taeyeon woke up from her sleep in hospital room, and found herself can't talk nor hear anything. And can't remember her past. But someday, someone come to her room.

He's the only who can she hear, and bring back her memories.




Buy our Novel (Indonesian) 'XOXO LOVE' volume 1, 2 & 3 (Rp. 70k) and get 1 EXO's album. Where you could buy it? Click the pic, or click here.


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Wow, congratulation . *big clap for you :D