Help me please~

So my friends are going to singapore for 2 months for training for the scholarship. 2 months! And I want to give them something with a letter attached to that. But the problem is I don't know what to give and what to write at the letter. Can someone please help me with this? I will appreciate this very much! Thank you. 


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betty974xD #1
Okay so you can wtite a letter with your feels hum you can write everythings you are in your mind and give her a present wich she will never forget and cand have with her everytime and everywere like a bracelet or a necklesse or something you have done and before she leave do something she will never forgot
sorry if its not that helpful but thats what i thought, all the best btw ^-^
why dont you give your friends anything handmade? a personalized keychain, or a picture of you with ur friends and write a letter of encouragement and whats inside your heart? and some positive thoughts ^-^