Okay so I was thinking about this,SHINee & NU’EST are top 2 fave groups,JongKey is my #1 OTP in SHINee and JREN is my #1 OTP in NU’EST and there are a few things both groups have in common.

1.) both groups have 5 members,5 is my lucky number (I count Jason as a member of NU’EST but I’m just going to say 5 to avoid crazy fans)

2.) both groups have a ” Kim Jonghyun” (JR’s real name is Kim Jonghyun)

3.) both groups have 2 members that could pass as a girl (Taemin & Key,Ren & Minhyun..seriously,I saw Minhyun dressed as a girl and he’s beautiful)

Okay,now this is why I mentioned JongKey and JREN.

‘JongKey’ is the ship name for Jonghyun & Key but since I call Key by his real name which is Kibum,so my ship name for them isn’t  “JongKey” It’s “JongKi” ‘Ki’ coming from “KIbum”

‘JREN’ is the ship name for JR & Ren but I also call them by their real names Which are “Jonghyun” & “Minki” so again,my ship name for them is not “JREN” it’s…can you guess it? JongKi! “Jong” coming from ‘Jonghyun’ of course and “Ki” coming from ‘minKI’


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0.o oh my god....... those are weird coincidences....