Im Going To Have A Blood Test

Im going to have a blood test today . Mind telling me if its pain ???


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If you have a nice nurse and your vein is visible/easily located, then you'll be fine. It will sting a little, but nothing major.

If you end up with a bad nurse and your vein is hard to see, it will hurt if the nurse isn't careful.

As Lynnda said, relax! And if it helps, don't look there. I have hemophobia and my skin in general is really sensitive, so for me it hurts a lot and I get dizzy if I think of it/see the needle penetrate my skin @___@ but it's really not bad compared to other stuff.

By the way, if you're taking a blood test, ask them to check what's your blood type if you don't know it yet :D the excitement takes a little away from the pain.
Is... uncomfortable but not painful, unless you get an unexperienced nurse, and relax because if your body is tensed it might be difficult to find your vein.

Don't worry~
newgirl #3
Even if they use a needle to draw blood, it just hurts a little. It's Not sth unbearable. Don't worry. I have experienced it many times.
Blood test to see what blood you are? if so then it doesn't hurt at all. just a sting on the finger and everything's fine :)