TVXQ's 2nd Win [Mubank] Go ! Go ! Go for 3rd win !

Congrats to both , TVXQ and Ailee . I really like both of them . But TVXQ more , *obviously* . Anyway , let's go for 3rd Win !

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All our efforts paid off Cassies . Now , our goal is to make TVXQ reachs 5 Mil views . The Inkigayo system gives 3500 points for the artist with the best views , and of course , we want that video SM's promised us . And the best thing is , TVXQ have been doing well on digital sales ! Better than ever ! We all knew TVXQ is not stong at digitals , but this time , they still remains in TOP TEN ! Yeay ~ *Throws confetti everywhere*


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spelling mistake...
Go TVXQ!!! So proud of them and our fandom! Go Cassies! Let's show the world just how wonderful our men are!!! Let's refresh the MV every 2 mins with the volume load so we can help the TVXQ that have done so much for us!

TVXQ + Cassiopeia FIGHTING!!! And Jjang!