Idol Killer Kim Yeoshin (please spread the news) (re-post from InfiniteJjongie)


On allkpop and in one forum there was a REALLY SERIOUS TOPIC about an idol killer who is also a sasaeng fan, Kim Yeoshin. Here is a list on what she has done so far to other idols: Remember the B.A.P stage during the Warrior era, Himchan was sweating like crazy? Kim Yeoshin put diarrhea medicine, oil & benzene in a coffee & gave it to Himchan before the stage. Here's the video that shows Himchan sweating crazy because of what she did.

B.A.P - Power Music Bank

Kim Yeoshin added glue in coffee & gave it to DBSK's Yunho (U-Know). After that, he had to go to the ER because he had a seizure. She tried giving hydrochloric acid to B1A4's Baro but failed. *Hydrochloric acid can melt the organs in a body if they drink it wrong.* She tried giving benzene to INFINITE's L but failed. She tried giving Dongwoo from INFINITE something weird to eat but failed. She was a sasaeng fan of INFINITE & bothered Dongwoo A LOT when she tried figured out his phone number. Etc. She did many things to the other idols but these are like the lightlights. She also make predictions about the future & it came all true. Just like what she said. She made a prediction that in 2014, a really popular idol will die. And her next target is apparently EXO's Sehun. A lot of Korean EXO stans are aware of this, so a lot of fans are thinking of going to Idol Star Olympic & keep a close eye on Sehun. They are going to scream "DON'T EAT IT!" if anyone try giving Sehun some food. Guys... I'm scared for Sehun... let's all try to make it to they Idol Star Olympics and try to save him okay? I don't want anyone, any idol, any living being to die from this evil girl. We need the police to capture her and put her in jail... Sehun... please be okay...

 Sasaeng: A crazy fan who would do ANYTHING extraordinary things to their idols.

(+ Addition) A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE JUMPING INTO CONCLUSIONS THAT SEHUN MIGHT NOT BE  YEOSHIN’S REAL TARGET! Like what if she’s using Sehun as a distraction when her target is another EXO member, or even another idol???


Sehunnie please be alright. Stay healthy and safe. We EXO stans are worried about you.

cr: allkpop, sehuna, kidolprotection,facebook post/72362926263/the-idol-killer-kim- yeoshin,¬if_t=comment_mention 





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thelastghostgirl #1
if this really true, there must be something wrong with that freak
Okay this is creepy and horrifiying ;A;
we should protect our Sehunnie and other idols!
RokuKazami #3
Whoa! I knew saesang fans were bad but not this bad. I hope the idols will be okay. And I think we should keep out an eye on the idols.
Kuraki #4
Woah... Didn't know that a fan can be this fanatic.... Or another word, lunatic...
I saw her picture and heard she is from North Korea
I heard about this on twitter-_____- If it's actually true then she's a psycho and needs to check in herself in a mental hospital
Ah... Really? That's was scary >.<
Don't believe in AKP -.- they are full of bulls. Sorry to say
Can anyone give me the link to AKP's post about it? although AKP sometimes are full of bulls.