Aww, Man... Do doctors help?

I went to the doctors today about my fainting incident at school on Dec. 18. 

She checked my brain and said, "It's nothing serious, as I see it..." and then went on to tell me about like 5 different pills I should take. Then she sent me to go get some candy and talked to my mom. Now my mom's treating meh strange. 

Do doctors actually help the problems or make them slightly worse? Because I'm reading each of these now 10 pills I have to take a day and they cause more problems then the problem they're suppose to fix...

Like my headache meds, they cause dizziness, nausa, vomiting and weird cravings... all of these to stop a reacurring headache?  I mean with all of this I'd rather have the headaches...

I have hypertension :(

I've been banned from my favorite foods and I've gained weight again... My doc ruined my day...

Does your doctor help you?


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Do not and I mean DO NOT take anti depressant pills no matter if a doctor gave them to you. My family and I have been researching about them and other stuff I warn you do not take them actually I think it is better not to take most drugs doctors now adays are prescribing only because right now our economy is going down and I believe the government is behind it. I'm not trying to go all politic on you but trust me when I say don't take antidepressant pills a lot of what they are making has many side affects and you most likely wont need. Before you take them you should do research on them. Sounds stupid because its your doctor their supposed to help you but there are people even more powerful than them telling them what to do. Just a warning.
Not at all i dislocated my shoulder when i was 9 and had to have it re located and i have had constant pains in that shoulder ever since and every time i have gone to a doctor about it they say " oh its just growing pains it will stop soon" . well im 25 now and i still have them one prefered me to physio but my doctor said i didn't need it and it was just a waste of time .