What the most important you have to care?




Honestly, I am a careless person. I always look at the world easily till I kept it like the story. I've never care about my health even I know it would make me worse. I just want to do as I want. For example, eating chillies. Of course, I really love to eat chillies even the doctors tell me to stop again and again. Sometimes, my mom asks me to give it up but I say i couldn't. I seem be addicted of it as I can't give up my favorite.

It might be the bad point of me, I like to control and do everything by my own such as assignment, lesson bla bla.. till the midnight. Sometimes, I do it till 3 or 4 am. I thought that education is the most important in the world but it's not at all.


My father advises me that "Health is the most important thing in the world, you have to know it girl. Even you have a high education, much money but if you are not healthy, all of them will be useless."

When I looked back on that thing again, I almost want to cry out. It's nothing to say the word "Regret" I feel embarrass of myself. 

I might not able to see everything clearly again..

I might not able to read my favorite books..

I really wish that It was a bad dream of me..

I wish that the angels would help me to across the moment..

I wish I could have a good health..

I wish I wish.. Will those wishes come true? 


One day, if you know that you will not able to see your favorite thing again, what are you thinking? 


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