Boys Over Flowers American Version...??

So I was surfing through one of those Kpop news websites and I stumbled upon this title:

Boys Over Flowers American remake

Excuse me?

I'm sorry?


Did I read that right? I thought. I checked again and I wasn't seeing things or reading it wrong. They're making an American version of Boys Over Flowers. A Japanese Manga which was turned into a drama that was remake in almost every Asian country.

TO be honest I always wanted the West to remake some of the dramas and animes. Asia can seriously write out a plot. Real plot~ Violence and unwanted pregnancy isn't a real story line to me. But I've seen a few unforgettable, tear-jerking dramas.

Am I excited??

I was until I saw the cast...






Boys Over Friends...

Ha~ They must be kidding. The casting must be a scam, a fake. It just doesn't add up... Who the hell are these people?? They must be rookies or something. That doesn't make sense. In the Korean version they had well-known actors. Lee Minho, Kim hyun Joong ect. I think in all versions they used well-known actors. Why did bigshot America go small?? And anyone else think the cast looks a little... odd. It might just be my unfamiliarity but it seems like they were trying too hard to make them look Americans.  Big, buff, mature-looking. These people look like they are posing for a fashion magazine instead of starring in a silly Highschool drama. HIGHSCHOOL! They are obviously adults who don't look like teenagers at all. Plus, the men look like grown men instead of pretty boys.

But if they want to promote this TV show they need to scrap the cast and hire the somebodies of Hollywood. They mustn't know that dramas usually only last for 16-20 episodes. You don't have time for popularity to build, which is why you use popular actors. At least a few.


I heard filming started in October so I guess it's official. If it doesn't get canceled after the pilot episode... Americans might not like the innocent, quirky dramas. If it'll even be that way.

I would wish them good luck but I feel like America didn't do Asia justice on this one. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusion. I'll check it out when it airs and then hopefully I'll form a different opinion.





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WTF for really??????? u kidding right??? it cant wont be the same...kdrama was the best one they cant that up
I'm gonna, uh, stick to the Asian ver...

e u e
No, the cast is not a bunch of "Hollywood somebodies." I don't mean to be rude, but did you know that, aside from meager donations from a few optimistic fans, this entire series was paid for out-of-pocket by the creators? Their budget is so small that they have no choice to kind of . I'm sad that it had to turn out this way, but you know what else? I'm absolutely, one hundred percent PROUD of them, all of them, for doing something this ridiculous! Who knows? Maybe it will catch on! Then again, maybe it won't. But at least they had the guts to try it, to see if it could be worth something.

I watched it. I wasn't going to. I was ready to quit within seconds. But I watched it all the way through, and I pushed past all the bad and dug around as best as I could for a little bit of that quirky drama I so knew and loved. And you know what? I found it. Just a little glimmer of it, and only for a moment. But I think that, for as long as it airs, I am going to keep on watching it. Maybe I'll find a few more glimmers. Maybe it'll all be worth it.
I just watch the first episode just now... and you know what... it .... the actress ws quite ok... F4 boys?? ugh!! bully wasn't terrible like korean drama.. it 's childish... like torn her clothes, put hair colour on shampoo... humiliating her then took her picture... and so on.... and u know the 3 b*tches in B.O.F right?? in american version those 3 idiot are worse than original one... ok..... ... sorry for that story telling... just to inform u..... hehe... ok.. bye...^^
I heard about this a few months ago uggg........i wasnt looking forward to it then and i sure as hell aint looking forward to it now!
The first episode is out, and I warn you, don't watch it. Not only is the acting terrible, but the quality of filming is really low, and it is overall almost impossible to watch more than 10 minutes of.
I read about it here

This is totally going to . It pisses me off. They aren't even hot and like you said they don't look like high school kids at all. like the guy playing "Ji Hoo" looks stoned or sickly or something. wtf. I saw a bit of the 1st episode and i shut it off I couldn't even take it. It was freaking horrible. Bad acting, bad sound, bad everything.

ep 1 ---- >

it is so crappily done.