Reading and reading

So, because I forgot yesterday to post something, for my own amusement, today I'll talk about reading.
I'm just a major freak when it comes to books!They are fascinating by all means, and I've got an interesting long list of novels that I want to read.I just finished reading the exquisite novel "The catcher in the rye" by J.D Salinger and I must confess it's really good!His way of using words are of a modern and outdated manner at the same time.I really loved it, and the story line too!It was amusing, intriguing and very sad at the same time.I could not compare another book with this one, because his novel was so fine and unique if I may say.Reading is a part of my life, and when it comes to books, I know better.At school i always read.I'm kind of a introvert and awkward presence, so...
I wonder if to begin reading "Fifty shades of Grey" by James, or not.It's an roman and I'm sure all of you heard about it... Yes, well, I'm a tiny ert inside...
Well, I think I will.Toddlers!


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RawrmeansIloveyou #1
Books are great!! I love using my imagination :)