Exo | Apink | Sasaeng | LOL




I don't even....................




A netizen shared a 10 minute audio file of a private conversation about an online game that allegedly took place between A Pink and EXO members. The clip is controversial because it contains some profanity/inappropriate language (really, that's it). The audio can be found here [instiz]. 

A Pink's reps denied it was the members while SM reps confirmed it was EXO talking with a non-celebrity female friend. 


ArticleEXO A Pink's inappropriate game conversation controversy... clarifications explained

Source: Herald News via Nate [2]

1. [+402, -53] SM clarified it that it is EXO but the girl is just EXO's friend... They really sounded close.

2. [+302, -74] How could EXO and A Pink not know each other? They were both on WGM ㅋㅋ and kids their age all get to know each other through group dates and stuff. Who would believe a lie saying they don't know each other.

3. [+260, -32] It's originally a 21 minute clip but the netizen edited it down to 10 minutes because they talked about their dorm and other private stuff. Why would they talk about their dorm address? In specific detail like the house number. You better be telling the truth before the 21 minute clip gets released.

4. [+169, -21] Overall, SM confirmed EXO... and the swearing wasn't too severe. And the netizens are all claiming it's A Pink unless you're deaf and their names are all being tossed around so there's not much they can do to block the hate they're getting. And about the people saying the clip was manipulated... no one will know at the end of the day.

5. [+155, -19] I just saw best replies mentioning A Pink's names disappear...;


Article: Person who leaked EXO and Pink's conversation, texts between her and Suho revealed

Source: Korea TV via Nate

The caps are basically texts exchanged between the person who leaked the audio and Suho.

Suho: So are you trying to say you're going to threaten me? What is it that you want?
A: I'm not threatening you. I won't get into a lawsuit for releasing a three minute clip, right? I didn't release the original. 
Suho: What is it that you want?
A: What I want? I'm not threatening you, I don't want anything ㅋㅋㅋ I just want to know that I won't be sued. It's not like I'm leaking a rumor. 
Suho: Okay, I get it. Stop contacting me now. 
A: So you won't sue me if I release everything?
Suho: It's not the members from another group, just a non-celebrity friend I know so don't bring harm onto others. 
A: A Pink are not non-celebrities... There's proof of (you?) saying Bomi nuna. 
Suho: So what you're saying is that you want to release it but you want to know whether you'll get sued for it. That's why you're contacting me?
A: Yeah.
Suho: It's not A Pink. 'Bbeum' is just that woman's ID. Do not bring harm to another group. And if you're that curious, ask me in court instead of through text.


1. [+223, -13] How did she even text him??? Sasaeng??

2. [+246, -53] I don't know about EXO or listen to their songs but the leader guy obviously toned his anger down while talking to her. He seems like a nice guy. Any non-celebrity would've sworn at the kid.

3. [+215, -41] It's not like they swore at some person they don't know... I listened to the clip and it just sounded like swears that you could exchange with your friends while playing a game. It's not a big deal. The real criminal here is the person who recorded a private conversation between friends ㅡㅡ 


Article: EXO reps, "Game conversation with a friend leaked"... another happening

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,447, -34] So it is EXO

2. [+1,294, -125] I listened to it, it's not a big deal

3. [+1,251, -117] What's the big deal, they were just playing a game;; I'm not even a fan and I don't know why this is a big deal

4. [+1,199, -117] Leave the group alone... You all act like they'll be thrown in jail if they play another game again

5. [+1,098, -132] Seems sasaengs expect celebrities to not swear even in private ㅋㅋㅋ So unfortunate what they have to endure ㅋㅋ


ArticleEXP reps, "A member was just gaming with a non-celebrity friend"

Source: Asia Econ via Naver

1. [+161, -18] What I find ironic is that it was only the girls who were swearing ㅋㅋㅋ The guys were focusing on the game, barely swearing at all

2. [+138, -16] What's the big deal about a couple of kids gaming together? ㅋㅋㅋ Such blatant invasion of privacy... How scary it must be for them, not even able to enjoy a few games

3. [+86, -5] One member? Wasn't it Sehun and Baekhyun? 

4. [+91, -15] Will the world crash if they play LoL? Boys their age play LoL and talk about the game, not a big deal

5. [+47, -5] The b*tch who hacked them and got the audio is a criminal



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I cant find the audio. I cant read Korean.. T_T
This whole scandal is just downright stupid to the point where I want to jump out a window. I don't see the purpose of it being a scandal, what's the scandalous part?? It's not a dating scandal, it's not scandal where they offended people. What were those fans thinking, it just makes people feel sorry for EXO because of the sasaeng fans and it'll hurt us as a fandom on top of that.