Sohee leaves JYP [Not Confirmed Yet] , Sunye renewed .


Sohee leaves JYP, Wonder Girls renew contracts




Article[Exclusive] Wonder Girls Sohee leaves JYP... "secret meeting with an acting agency"

Source: Sports Korea via Naver

1. [+1,561, -75] I used to be a Sohee fan... but JYP really doesn't care about the group at all. JYP left them all to individual activities... how does it make sense that singers aren't able to sing and are just mindlessly doing individual activities? I think Sohee made the right decision. Instead of rotting in there, start promoting more... 

2. [+1,355, -49] Seems the Wonder Girls disbanded under our nose...

3. [+1,111, -13] Well, it's not like she can just sit and starve

4. [+1,098, -173] Sunye's fault

5. [+335, -31] Hul... I think Sohee's better at modeling than acting or singing. 

6. [+301, -32] Sohee's been pushed to the back burner since Suzy debuted... Should either get married like Sunye or go solo like Sunmi. Seems she's going into acting because she doesn't have singing talents but I don't think acting's the right path for her either. 

7. [+234, -20] Better for her to leave JYP ㅋㅋ Right when she was at the height of her popularity for omona, JYP rejected all her CFs and sent her off to America

8. [+207, -18] No reason for her to stay when JYP isn't promoting her and the Wonder Girls is lost in the air because of Sunye.


Article: JYP "WG's Sunye, Yeeun, and Yoobin renewed contracts, we will respect Sohee's decision" official statement

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+366, -40] Sunye renewed... I have no words for her

2. [+293, -31] Sunye renewed? She still thinks about singing?

3. [+275, -35] Bad move on Sunye's part... ㅡㅡ;;;;

4. [+45, -2] Wonder Girls fans have lost all hope. Sunye, the only one who is of no help at all to the group, renewed her contract while the group's member with the highest fanbase Sohee left... I hope they'll at least be able to promote together under different agencies like Shinhwa or BEG. 

5. [+25, -8] A married ajumma with a kid has no place in a female idol group



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Oh, sad T_T