HELP ! About e-mail .

So here is it . I've tried to create email account on yahoo and google . And both need phone number ??? Is this new or what ? Before this it is not a must , but today it is . Before this we can skip but now ? Can someone explain ? Thank you :)


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I have a Gmail and I didn't use a number + I made it recently... sometimes if you skip the number part you can just enter the part where they say "to see whether or not you're a robot" that's how I did it.
Try hotmail. I don't have an email so I wouldn't know.
Does hotmail require phone numbers?
Yeah, the emails nowadays are pretty strict. I renew my old account on Yahoo and I made Google as well and both required us to put our phone nomber. But I guess you don't have to worry it would jut for send more Info or registration code just like google.
I tried to i have no phone though. So yeah i just use my emails that i make b4 :P
? now we can't skip?
i dunno abt that too... but i think that's fine though? (they won't use it for anything...?)