Sorry For The Delay But...

It's my blog's 1st year anniversary! At least, for the next 47 minutes. For about two weeks now, I've been planning big surprises for it. Now that those are finished, I can get back to my fanfiction. 

I'm a little stuck on Peter Pan. I just need to write the first few paragraphs, and the chapter will come together. But for right now, I've been working on ETM little by little. I'm trying to perfect the chapter to make it as nice as possible for ma subbies, and any passerby that happens upon the story. 

Well, that's my news for now. If you're interested, you should look at my blog,


Also, has anyone else seen the gif of Lee Joon's scene? 


O_O My MBLAQ bias

O_O My innocent eyes

O_O I'm scarred for life




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