CS6 1st Trying~

I'm try another phosotop version. it's PS CS6 ._. Idek whats the differences between CS3 and CS6 but Ta-da! 

Hows your opinion? :/ Is there any people who uses CS6 more often than me?


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Well CS6 and any new version of Photoshop always has new and more features than previous versions... what those features are, I'm not completely sure, but if you do a little research I'm sure you can find the details.

As for opinion, I don't have CS3, I have CS5, but I prefer CS6 because on my laptop, CS6 loads faster than CS5 in many ways which is why I prefer to use CS6. Thus, CS6 is my main editing program I use. And really it just comes down to what you like and what you're comfortable using. :)
where did u download it sist?