Bed Scene - ♥o♥

For those of you that haven't had a chance to see this...


When this is released online, I will be watching with a bucket to catch my drool.

AHMAGAD, Joonie, STAHP.  No wait... DON'T STAHP!

Btw, anyone else heard about his NEW movie?  Not Rough Play, but Botox?  KYAAAAAAAAA!!!



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charlot #1
I think I need blood transfussion right now and some mop..I just flooded the floor with my nosebleed
ummm... I think I need new ovaries, cuz mine just asploded... OMG Joon. I didn't dream about kissing MBLAQ but after this... *fans self*
fangirling aside, I'm very proud of Joonie for going into acting, following his dream and being very passionate about it, and yeah I heard about Botox, I think his character is going to be the total opposite from his character in Rough Play. Joonie fighting!
are you trying to kill all the A+, no wait is Joonie trying to kill all the A+?

what was that? OMG, i wanna watch it NOW, bring me a bucket too.............LOL

i'll pay for the honey-glazed popcorn and coke, you buy the tickets :P

that scene is gonna be on repeat in my mind. that was some hot . WOW............Pabo Joon, i cant believe it.......XD

aaack !!!
oppach #4
Clean up on aisle five!