Kim Heechul is not... | Super Junior

As most of you know that Kim Heechul is my ultimate bias, but to be honest I don’t talk about him much as much as some do about their bias’s, nor do I find him to be my favorite singer, dancer or actor; funny isn’t it? I find him to be none of those things, yet decent at them all and he is my ultimate bias.

In fact if I were to choose a favorite singer in the music industry I would choose Kim Ryeowook, why? I find his voice to be both refreshing and honestly enticing.


If I were to choose my favorite dancer in the dance/music industry it would be Eunhyuk. I find him to be captivating when he dances, maybe it’s a look he gives but I just love it.

If I were to choose my favorite actor that would be impossible. I love a lot of actor’s, thus making that one of the hardest choices ever.


I am often asked who my SUJU bias is and I automatically say Heenim because he is my ultimate bias, but actually that may not be true.  Actually my bias in Super Junior is between four people; Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk and Heechul.

And see the thing is it’s actually quite hard for me to pick a bias in Suju because, damn, those 15 boys all have their own charms. And the reason Super Junior is my ultimate bias band despite not being my first Kpop band is because they are who they are.

They don’t come off as fake; they come off as hardworking individuals who have been through a thing or two. They have paved the way for many and they continue down their road of fame and bringing smiles to those who support them. When I’m having a bad day it takes one SUJU video to bring me out of my rut.

Those boys have gotten me through a lot, and I’m sure in the future they will get me through a lot more and that’s why I’ll continue to support them though not agree with every single thing they say though not hate them for it. You can’t hate someone for a mistake they made, you can only try to move and look past it while reprimanding them for it on the way.

So actually, maybe Heechul isn’t my bias in SUJU, maybe no one is, but I can say Heechul is my ultimate bias for the following reason(s).

His views on things.

The troubles he’s faced and overcome.

His personality.

I mean, the man’s laugh is loud, he drools, he whines like a child when he doesn’t like the clothes he’s wearing and so much more. But when it comes to the important things he, from what he’s displayed, is one to rely on, one to have a strong opinion and input. He’s a role model in many forms and I honestly look up to him and that is why he’s my ultimate bias.


This was random but I just felt like typing it. So who is your ultimate bias both band and individual and why?





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Kyuhyun but I don't fangirl over him like every single move. Lol. But they each have a special place~
I'm a big fan of most SM bands so I don't have a particular favourite, but my biases are all leaders of the groups: U-Know Yunho, Leeteuk, Taeyeon, Onew, Victoria, Suho and Kris... I feel like the leaders go through very stressful situations concerning their members but they manage to pull through and sometimes they have to step back to let their other members take the limelight from them.
Supernatural-lover #3
My bias is Hangeng and it will always be him. What caught me when he had his solo in Don't Don and came forward after Sungmin, that bit it completed me. His hardship he must have faced i the beginning must have been unbearable but he still smiled that is a true role model. The best bit he will be in Transformers 4 next year!!! I was so happy. Then Donghae that kid, he is so how do I even explain kidhae? haha. In my life the people I thank are Super Junior they made my life better. Kpop had destroyed my life, but in a way rebuilt it again and the people who rebuilt where no other than Super Junior. PS I don't know how many Hangeng biases are still out there, but I began to like SUJU in 2012 in April, when I found out Hangeng left I was disappointed but went off to support him in other activities. I will always like him whether he be with Super Junior or not.
My bias is definitely Hyukjae. It's not just because he's an amazing dancer and blah blah blah but there's just something about him that seems so... human. Does that even make sense? I mean, there are those who you just cannot reach, like they come off as snobby or something, idk. I just love Hyukjae because he just seems so down to earth and he's really sensitive he cries a lot and he's so stupid I swear. I love how he's charismatic one minute and the next he's all derpy and idiotic. There's just so much to love about him!!!
ELFlisa #5
i love suju so much....mine is sungmin..because he is a great singer and his cuteness!....My bias band is Super Junior ...
Mine is Heechul as well. I get exactly what you mean when you say that. I have four bias' too. Heechul, Leeteuk, Yesung and Kyuhyun. But I find that Heechul is just amazing. I think he is the best looking and he is quite eccentric. That's why I love him. :3
My bias is Eunhyuk...^^
I feel your pain. lol.
luminous_secret #9
Whoa. My bias in SuJu would also be tied with Kyuhyun, Ryewook, Yesung, and Leeteuk or.. Or yea All of them are really amazing actually.
My ultimate bias band would be SHINee actually since they introduced me to the Kpop worl but lately I been leaning towards EXO. I still value SHINee highly though.
As for an ultimate individual I don't think I have one.
As my Kpop experience increases I have grown a new found high respect to Super Junior. They are certainly a wonderful group and I felt if I had got into Kpop through them I would have become a hard core ELF. Watching Super Junior on any day.
They have this special power to make you laugh or smile.
My bias is yesung, he isn't afraid to tell someone straight up to cut with the bull and get to the point. He's one of those idols that if a fan does something he finds annoying or something you'll know his discomfort right away, that big headed ajusshi' doesn't even try hiding it XD!! Also he's probably one of the weirdest celebrities out there and I have a tendency to lean towards the more 'abornormal' for lack of better term.
My bias is Eunhyuk. Just it. XD
naww ^^ it's so hard to describe sometimes what your bias is to you!
My bias band is Super Junior too ;; and that's because of basically everything that is them! The music, their performances, their personalities and their teamwork~ they seem so close to each other and everyone has this spark that makes you just want to follow them more! Their passion for what they do, their stories and hardships just proves even more how they hold together, and that makes Super junior a huge inspirational source for me <3
My bias is Kyuhyun, and it's insane how he can make me feel XD sometimes I feel like I am the biggest fan in the world, and sometimes I just wonder, why am I not stalking kyuhyun enough? Lol but anyway he is a great inspiration alone for me, and he is my favorite male singer also. I can tell that he has high ambitions; he tries to study along with his career and he wants to achieve things.
He inspires me to keep trying once I'm in deep, or just weak. And I'm learning to think that what I really need to do is to push through things- because they are what they are. To me, Kyuhyun seems rationalistic (except for when something he considers awkward happens and his facial expression alone is enough to make everything 50 times more awkward than it actually is), and that is because I have changed to what I am since he appeared ;;
I don't know hehehe.. A funny thing is that I am never, ever drawn to people who are awkward. I even avoid them hahaha. Kyuhyun is the most awkward person on the planet and yet I have fallen head over heels for only him. stupid kyu XD<3
well that was my essay XDDDDD lol i don't know if this was what you asked for but aNYWAAAY, now I have written it so better just post it too x''3
so yee, it's not always the qualities that name your bias, but that only means that the love you share for them is strong! ^_^;
Ultimate bias Suju & Heechul, basically for all the same reasons u stated, though Heenim is my #1 without a doubt. Again, he's my bias for all the same reasons u said. Yes, he's talented in many areas, but it's his personality that I am drawn to the most. I also like Ryeowook's voice the best & Eunhyuk as a dancer. Actors are hard to choose. They're too many. Despite having many favorites, bands wise & member wise, I will always love Suju & Heenim the most, even if I don't like or agree with everything they do. I'm a forever petal & elf. Suju and Heechul have helped me through too many dark moments for me to give up on them.
Totally forgot to ask; did you see heechul's cameo appearance on heirs? IT WAS PURF! This dude is words.!