I Need Your Help!!!!

Hey guys. I really really really need your guys' romantic juices to flow, please. I'm in a contest and the task I need to do is to come up with a romantic Christmas date in Seoul. Coming from a fanfic writer, that's actually hard to come up with without a plot or a story. I just need the idea.

And if I win the contest, then let's just say that the prize is priceless. I really need your guys' help. Just launch all kinds of romantic ideas at me, whether is a wall comment or a comment on here. Doesn't matter, I just need your help.

The contest ends on November 29, 2011 and that's soon. So yeah, I'd really appreciate it if someone can at least give me an idea on a romantic Christmas date.

If I win, and your idea helped me, I THANK YOU!!!


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Well a few winter-romantic dates in Seoul could be ice skating, taking a walk and it starts snowing, um a girl getting lost in a blizzard and the guy has to come find her (not a date, but i digress) Um, yeah i'm sure there is more stuffed in my brain, but good luck for right now!