No Need To Be Saaaaaaad~



HELLO!!! (baby)



GUINECHIWA!!! (i cant type japense)

errrr....YO WASSUP DOGG!! *fist pump ;)


Are you sad??
Down in the dumps??
or just bored??

DON'T BE!!!!!

With my ways/ reasons to smile/laugh like your off your head (warning some people may think that)





PART One!!!!! ~Ways To Get Rid Of It~

If your just generally down in the dumps for the day, it's either cause your bored or you see no reason to smile, well did you know smiling and laughing helps you live longer?? plus people would think postivie things about ya! ;D

Go find some friends who always make you laugh or have a good time with...
Go make some NEW friends or get to know someone you dont know very well....

Think of things that made you laugh or smile
(e.g. Funny moments with friends,family something you saw)

Go playfully tease a friend it cheers me up...
Go revise really LAME but funny jokes and go torture people with them. You'd be surprise how funny it is when it's not really.....

METHOD SAY(chinese)
Make random noises in a public(or less public) place and just listen to it, it makes you laugh for some reason...
personally I like doing it in public places cause the look on people's faces makes me laugh x3

METHOD FIVE!!! (hi-5)~
Enjoy the Little things~ go out on a peaceful walk alone (not in dark and dangerous places though)
It gives you time to think or look at the sceneray and become like those in a movies likes
*The leaves are beautiful when the sun rays go through them**oh look a field with no one around I'll close my eyes as the cherry blossoms swarm around me**
That sort of thing x3

METHOD SIX (in english & french)
Something Bothering you?! go find a friend who's a concerned listener and have a one-on-one talk with them, if you cant find anyone...IM HERE FOR YOU!!!! and no problems on me telling cause 1) I know no one in person over here and 2) I forget a few hours later.....yeah I have a mind of a jellyfish.....I mean goldfish -___-

METHOD SE7EN(hahaha the band)
Hang out with someone who's cheerful, funny and upbeat, their behavious is contagious I tell you!! It helps if they're innocently simple-minded.
(One time I was eating lunch with my friends and I started talking about food combinations that shouldnt mix but they're good together, I mentioned Chips&Cream and for some reason my (dirty-minded) friends burst out laughing for 10 minutes cause for that period of time I was mega-confused and kept asking what's wrong with chips&cream and how it tastes nice......yeah My friends are weiiird)

METHOD 8..... no jokes for this sorry
Your a K-POP fan right? You most likely are sort of like-like *you know what I mean* A band so think of them smiling or doing a funny moment, this helps me when I'm walking to school like a loner..... TT^TT

METHOD NINE........err....... Nine-tails from Naruto??
Think of all the good things that has happened to you!! ^-^ like a simple-compliment from a friend/teacher/crush ;D
finding that fiver in your pocket that you never knew was there before....

Dont dwell on it, it's just a sad short second of misery :P Pull through it, think ahead to something your looking forward to!! (fangirling, party,outing.fav lesson,maths(LOL NO) etc)



Part 2!!!!! ~Smiley Time!! (WARNING: I pull of incredibly cheesy/lame jokes)





"What did the Green Grape say to the Purple Grape?"


"What did one grape say to the other grape?"
"Nothing grapes dont talk"


*ba bump ssshing* Nice One Blogger start with Grape Jokes -_______________-


"What's a zombie's favourite part of the house?"
"the LIVING room"


"How do you make a MilkShake?"
"sneak up behind it and shout BOO!!!"


"Why was the Ghost sad that he couldn't go to the dance?"
"cause he had No-BODY to go with!!"


............................................Halloween jokes? bit late for that isnt it?........................


A man walks into a bar.......Owch......


A priest, a arab, an intalien man, the pope and a irish man walk into a bar together and sat together the bartender looked up and saw them, and said: "whats this? Is this supposed be some joke?"


Did you hear about the fire in the circus?
I heard it was in-TENTS



What? I thought it was funny......





"what did cinderella say to the photographer?"
"Someday my PRINTS will come"


....Stop I can't take anymore


"why didnt the chicken cross the road?"
"He couldn't take anymore theories of why he did"




Two peanuts walked down a dark of them was as-salted


-_________- your testing my patience


What do you call a sleep-walking nun?
A ROAMING(roman) catholic!!


.........*walks out*..............


Famous last words of a mafia boss: ......."alright, WHO put the VIOLIN in the VIOLIN CASE!!"


*comes back with a pan*......................


Whats brown and sticky?.........................A STICK!!!!



Sorry about that my joke-self had came to life for a moment there.....
Anyway.... Tell me what you think of this? any topics you want me to prevent? or a guide?!  I dont know..or just tell me you read this at least -____________-

(give me feedback about it and if I should do another ^-^ p.s I dont mind having any problems dumped on me like i said in method 6 I dont mind :D )




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^-^ @CludSungie
Thank yoous!! your comment made my day :L I had an R.E exam and Im suffering from the return of a heartbreak(due to unrequited love) T^T ;D