Why I take forever to update

So....it has come to this...yes I know.

I know many people get mad at me for not updating. But at least I'm not making promises about updating and then breaking those promises. But anyway, to the point.

Why does it take me so long to update?

It's really simple. It's because I don't want to let anyone read something that is a piece of crap. I think long and hard about my stories.

You know when you write an essay for school and you have to be in that writing mood or inspired to be able to write something amazing? And when you're not in that mood you end up writing something that you don't like and you think is a piece of crap? Well that's how it is for me. I need to be in a writing mood to write something good and because I love you guys so much and don't want to let you read a piece of crap, I end up waiting until I'm inspired and in that writing mood.

So...even though you get mad at me for taking a long time just remember I do it because I love you guys.

Aria ~


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