Me and my dad....


My dad and I on a normal day....
Me: when I turn eighteen, and I hit my brother (younger), is that considered child abuse?
Dad: yes.
Me if he hits me, is that considered elder abuse?
Dad: no.
Me: what?! It's got to be some kind of abuse!
Dad: it's called idiot abuse.
Me: *slumps down in seat and stares out the window*
•  •  •
Dad: hey, if you shout gullible loud enough in this parking lot, the echo sounds like bubble gum.
Me: really? *tries it and listens to echo* it doesn't work. *watches dad laugh his way to the store* *thinks for a moment* *chases after him*
•  •  •
Me: I'm going to beat you at bowling! *sticks out tongue*
*plays game, get higher points than dad towards the end*
Me: LOSER!!!
Dad: oh yeah? *throws the ball, get a strike, wins the game* LOSER!
•  •  •
Dad: what?! A boy?! Who's this boy? Do I know him?! Why do you miss him?! Where is he?!
Me: he's a character in A BOOK!!
Dad: oh... *goes back to computer*
•  •  •
*me and Le dad at library talking to librarian*
Dad: yeah. I always wonder how my children work without a brain! *pets my head*
Me: *turns and walks away.*
just a few instances with my dad... I'm gullible, I know, but he's such a troll!!


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BBVIPBaby #1
Oh, this is so funny, I wish me and my dad would be like this
Dad: yeah. I always wonder how my children work without a brain! *pets my head*

OTL, I laugh so hard at this xD