〈 THE BEACH HOUSE. ♡ // Park Eun Mi


the basics. ( Choi_minhee. thia . 8) - done in 1st person!
name: Park eun mi
nickname(s): mimi - childhood nickname because she is the oppisite of its sweetness
birthday: 03/18/1995
ethnicity: chinese-korean
language(s): chinese-fluent taught by mother / korean-fluent taught by father
birthplace: Seoul, korea
hometown: seoul, korea
blood type: A+
height: 158cm
weight: 40kg
the girl.  
applying for girl #: 5
ulzzang name: Chen yu an (katie)
pictures: one / two / three / four / five
back-up ulzzang name: Lee jimin       one / two / three
appearance: i generally like to have my hair curled although its naturally straight, my hair is dark drown and the tips are dyed red. i'll put it into a bun at home or when i'm getting really into something. she likes to go natural without make up (maybe lip gloss) but will possibly apply eyeshadow-eyeliner-mascara-and blush when  i go to parties. i don't put on heavy make up though, light is the best for me. i have dark brown eyes that appear more hazel when its sunny out.
fashion style: clothes clothes and more clothes i wont wear the belle or ariel one. my style is dressy casual and its made up of shorts, tank tops, crop tops, skirts and dresses. its really just me throwing around clothes that resemble disney characters (called disneybound-look at links) my clothes reflect who i am. i have some casual at home or working clothes that i keep in  a corner of my closet. my pajamas are pretty much the same as my outdoor clothes, just made of more comfortable fabrics. i like wearing heels as they reflect me better but i wear sneakers too. 
personality: the two words that can describe the whole of me are flirty and fun. I love living life on the edge and making the best out of every day. i like by the words 'hakuna matata' since i'm kind of a disney freak. i am a hot mess. i have one of the worst memories ever, even when i'm sober. i don't like talking about serious stuff, i'd rather live every day to the fullest. I have no goals in life but to make it count. and i really want a boy toy.
my ideal type would be a guy that could give me the cliche love-hate relationship since i'm pretty hot-tempered and find it hot when guys are all pissy. so bad-boyish type guys are good for me. i am secretly a romantic and if you tell anyone that then i'd probably slap you across the face. I'm sorry for the threat but i'm pretty keen on keeping whatever i can to myself. I am also very confident in myself and i am pretty sure i have ADHd since i can't ever sit still for more than 3 minutes. i can also be really erted. 
background: my parents met when my mom was visiting korea and she met my dad, fell in love, so she decided to stay in korea. 2 or so years later they had me. the reason i'm a hot mess lies within my childhood. my parents were always super-involved in my life. i was their only child so all their attention was focused on me. they wanted to be apart of every step in my life. so, i was practically choking on their hug attack on me. for every event in my life they were right there beside me, as if they were my best friends for life. from potty training to tryouts to graduations, they were there.
when you get choked, the first thing you ever want to do is break away from the hold on you. so thats what i did. i became a teenage rebel! i barely did my work, just so i could get out of the heck hole they call highschool. I put in whatever amount of effort i can to just barely pass. I am an achiever, not under not over. just there, barely. 
with the tight grasp, i never really had anything I could keep to myself. my parents pried into every little aspect of my life. I had no secret anything. no corner of world was left untouched by my parents. thats why I love my friends, because they don't and won't pry in to my personal life. 
when i was little i ate shrimp, crab and lobster by the pound, so when i grew up i started hating all of those. I will occasionally eat it but i won't if i don't have to.
likes: food / parties / fun / shopping / shoes / summer / swimming / tanning / being outside / candy / friends / music / apple products / walks / ocean / night / heights / thrill / erted jokes
dislikes: douchebags-swagfags / s / cheerleaders / overly peppy people / studying / school / fake tans / tan lines / being bored / crawfish / test / staying still / lovey dovey crap / huge hoop earrings / excessive accesories / people who don't know how to dress / wannabes
habits: plays with earing when bored / fiddles with fingers alot / dances around like a maniac when no one is there / making jokes when possible / sings in the shower
trivia: i went on this trip to get away from my parents as an act of rebellion / i do a lot of things out of rebellion / i can only sleep on my sides, not my back or front / i am very active in my sleep just like my days are / my mother tries to show baby pictures of me everytime friends are over / i don't have people over because of all the pictures of my family and the way my parents constantly watched us at we hung out / i used to try on all my mom's high heels as a kid when she wasn't home / i can be a camera hog sometimes 
fears: spiders / insects / butterflies (faces) / clowns / dying before living life to its fullest
flaws: extremely stubborn / isnt really smart / can get carried away in partying
family: Park bae. 51. father. my dad loves me so much, he's always trying to be there for me and wants to be as involved in my life as possible.
park ching lan. 48. mother. my relationship with my mother is just the same as my father. but she is a little more strict with my schooling (not that i care for it) because as she says 'i want you to have a good future'.
love interest: Wu Fan / kris
the end.  
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which girl (girl 1/2/3/4/5/6) do you get along with the most and why?: i get along with girl 3 the best because she matches my personality. she likes to live her life just like i like to live mine. she lives her life to the fullest and really accepts life as it comes to her. and she doesnt pry into my life! so thats a plus.
any last comments?: sorry for the hassle of not choosing the rec. love interest! good luck with your story!
scene requests/ideas?: --



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thank you so much for applying! <3 <3
i like how you did it in first person; sometimes
it's kind of "iffy" to me but it's totally fine. oh, i love
the super rebellious persona you gave her! good job. c: