Aah, Teen Top~ I know you guys appreciate our hard work T^T

It's happened to all of us. We spend ages writing a fanfic, giving it hours of love, attention and y scenes (*COUGH*Jongkey*COUGH*) and then upload it to AFF, excited for all the comments you'll get, either praising or criticising your fanfic...

...only to return to AFF every day to find nothing. 

I mean, I uploaded No More Cologne On You on Thursday, after I spent Wednesday with Megan (Megan_Minho) and Kasha (kashimnida) discussing how hot that fanfic would be- I mean, come on. The innocent maknae of SHINee and the player vocalist of Teen Top getting it on? Minho and Yesung doing it behind a counter in Subway? It's hot... *blush* But nobody reviewed it, which is a shame, really... -.-;;

I know it's only two chapters in, but we've had over 200 views and have about 7 subscribers (I know, it's not a lot...) yet none of these people left comments. 

Imagine this- I invite Taemin over for steak and curly fries, followed by an entertaining evening watching Culshaw & Stephenson whilst discussing how hot it would be if him and Chunji did it. He says 'Okay, let's do that! I'll be there!' So I hurry to Tesco, buy some delicious steaks and a bag of curly fries (and a pack of his favourite banana milk) then go back home and cook it all, spending ages getting every detail right so I'm sure he'll enjoy it... then, once I've set the table neatly and nicely, I get a call from him saying he can't make it, but he'll send his wishes that I have a good night.

That's kinda what it's like. I've decided to write a fanfic (Invited Tae over for curly fries and TV) and I've spent ages writing it (making the meal), then I upload and decorate it (set the table) making sure every detail is right, only to return to AFF day after day with no comments (be stood up by Taemin)... still, you subscribed (sent your wishes).

Of course I'm grateful for subscribers - I love it when people subscribe. It's like saying "Hey, I wanna read more", but still... if you wanna read more, why not leave a comment telling us that you want to read more? It's not like it's a chore... you get karma points, and I get happy... :3

ANYWAYS~ I'll talk soon! Hope you all enjoy reading 'Three Lives One Obsession' and 'No More Cologne On You'- and hey, if you do, how about leaving us a comment? :)

I don't mean to whinge, and I really love you guys but seriously- I really like comments >.<;;

Have fun & be y~ (*COUGH*LikeChunji*COUGH*)

P.S: I'm thinking of starting a huge story that's just infinite oneshots. I don't mean oneshots starring Infinite, I just mean a huge story that goes on and on and on full of random one shots featuring f(x), SuJu, SHINee, Teen Top etc. If you have any requests, please ask on my wall or on Twitter, @NuTAEBO :)


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