Fascinated and Taken Aback

Well,since majority of us here are long time kpop fans (obviously) 
We must at least have an idea of how blood types play a big part in Korea right? 
I mean,at first I was like 
"why do they even believe in these things?" 
So I read "All About TVXQ" and at the author's note she wrote about her blood type 
Coincidentally she has the same blood type as me ( I guess) 
Blood type B
I was surprised at how spot on these things are

So I decided to look up at her sources and read on 
I was even more surprised 
I mean come on,I don't believe these stuffs (just like the stars thingy.Picses,Sagittarius etc) 
but the fact it was so spot was just so.....amazing? 
It's kind of ridiculous how in resumes at Korea requires for you to fill in the blood type section
Blood type B people have a lower rate on being hired 
because of what? 
because of the bad luck Blood type B curse
Come on~ not every Blood type B is bad 

It's just fascinating to read how these type of thing effect koreans so much 
I mean I'm not insulting
It's just fascinating that how can a blood type can determine a person's personality 
Now I know why my dad's korean friend was so surprised when I said I'm a blood type B 
You guys can read it from here and here 

credits to jazlin (the author of All About TVXQ) and the person who wrote the blog about these blood type thingy 


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That explains whyy they always talk abt the idols blood type in variety shows .. And i am a blood type O , i have been reading alot other area with blood types and personality and its all true ><
That's how I was too! I was confused as to why they would need to have in their info; blood type, star sign,and other stuff, and just like you I found it to be interesting lol ^^ I'm a blood type A and the traits that are listed in one of the links you posted, are so true (O _ O)~