Developed and fixed black and white film pictures!

Here's those black and white photos I developed, but touched up a bit and with a bit of a colour filter applied to some of them.

These 8 are my favourite out of 21 successful shots.  Tell me which one you like best!


This one was two different shots, one of a fountain and another of the flag.  It was an accidental double exposure that turned out great.  The only editing I did to this was burn tool overuse and rotating the picture.


Editing this picture made me really hate photoshop.


Sadly, you can't see the flowers on these flower bushes because of the lack of colour.  Yes, I made it pink.


This pic looked better in my head than before I developed it, but its still good.


Fixing up the bricks in this pic took so freaking long...


Random bikes!


This was my first picture I did as a practice shot and I messed up editing it so much I just gave up, lol.  It looks better than before though and I'm proud of it.  XD


Horse trail!  This one didn't need much editing at all.


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The last and the first are my favourite ones :D But they're all really good :)