I am seriously done being always nice, friendly and helpfull to everyone around me.
Truth is, I only get stabbed in my back for it and let me tell you, that feeling isn't so nice at all.
But then again, the story of my life -_- you'll get treated like trash for being good to them, isn't that twisted?

The world is a harsh and cruel reality sometimes and yea I am a cocktail of emotions at this moment writing this blog, but I refuse to let these emotions control me and let them win, the game is not over.

For now I will just relase, think, release and think once more about the roles of some of these people in my life.
Truth be told, I am sick and tired of always being second choice or a back-up plan!

No worries, tomorrow I will be better and a lot wiser too! It might not be my weekend, but it will be my year!

Ugh why are people two-faced to begin with? They should come with a manual.

PS: Sorry for the random rant, I needed to get off my chest ^^


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Evil_Keshi #1
I totally understand what you feel because that happened to me too... But there are really nice people on earth and even if it's sometimes hard to find them, I'm sure you will ;)
#2 really are friendly and nice! I can't believe people would do that?! But don't worry people like them don't deserve your kindness! Feel better! /gives you MOCHI/ here you go! Feel better! Need more conform or anything, I am all open ears...I think that is how you say it.....anyway I am going to make you smile just like you made me!