[FIC] Fuku Tribe

O oga! Jaka! O la!



Title: Fuku Tribe (click for the story)

Pair: YunJae

Genre: Attempted humor, fluff, romance


         The Fuku Tribe in South Korea, located just near the north, was known to be one of the most preserved tribes in all Earth. It happened that a not-so-young man noticed the current prince through a documentary he watched on TV and immediately fell in love with him. Looking for the tribe, he aims to catch the heart of the prince who looked more of a princess, and take his hand to marriage. But one thing the not-so-young man fussed about was that  he didn't hear the documentary say something about rituals—weird rituals.


I'll post chapter one after a number of subscribers. :D




I hope you'll support me. :D



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