♡Perfect Squad || Park SooRi/ Alison || The Perfect Beauty


The Perfect Squad!






name: Alison De Roux

korean name: Park SooRi

nickname(s): Ali, risoo, SooRi, sulli, derpy, park

age: 16

birthdate: (December 25, 1996)

birth place: Washington, D.C

hometown: Paris, France

ethnicity: french-korean

languages: korean-2 english-4 french-3 spanish-0.5 xP







Ali is someone a bit loud. She likes to keep people happy and in a good mood. She's enthusiastic in almost everything she or someone else does. She likes to fool around, jump a lot and dance anytime there is music. People can see her with a big smile on her face almost all day. She's always cheerful and ready to take any challenge that appears on her way. She loves to make up jokes, she sometimes looks silly but she never fails to draw a smile on people. She loves to grin, and make derpy faces, everytime someone takes a picture, there she is, posing and showing those peculiar expressions only she can do.

When it comes to school, Ali is someone average, she always tries her best but it's not really her strong side. She always studies hard and makes it to the finals with a good but average grade.

You can always see her wearing big bow or hair accesories that constantly calls the other's attention, she likes to call that her "personal touch". She also likes to constantly dye her hair of different cute, different colors, she constantly thanks destiny that her hair is not damged but cute, soft and shiny.

Even thought she looks like a complete pabo and loud person, she's really kind and sweet inside, always willing to help in anything people needs.

She whines a lot when she's tired, but always keep on going. When she's angry she just screams out loud, then after she feels a lot more relief. 

She can get serious in some important situations, then she acts all serious,elegant and straight forward. 




Ali has always love to dance. Her passion for dancing started since she was 6 years old, she used to dance in front of the T.V whenever a music video appeared. Her parents noticed this and send her to gymnastics and dancing lessons right away. She growed up ad turned to be an espectacular dancer, very flexible and always passionate about it. She joined about 3 other teams of cheering during her life, almost all of them were in middle school. She then heard about the apply positions for Seoul High School's Cheerleading team and quickly started earning secretly to enter that school once she finished middle school.

Her parents found out about this and completely disgreed, they always asked "How are you going to live there if you're just a young girl and there's o adult supervision and blablabla". She remembered her grandma lived back in Hongdae, so she literally beg her parets to let her go, and they did, with the only condition of taking her baby brother with her. At first Ali thought it was an insane idea, her baby brother it's just 1 year old and she is going to be busy for school. Thankfully her grandma was gonna take care of him while Ali was out and then it'll be all her responsability. 

And she did, she flight from Paris to Seoul just to enter that team. People thought it was a bit extreme, but there wasn't many cheer teams back in her hometown, so basically she would do anything just to enter one. 




-Hair accesories

-Potato Chips

-Her math teacher :$


-Lollipops (you always see her eating one)

-Her grandma's cooking

-Her big tiger plush.









-changing her brother's diapers

-waking up early

-her mom's cooking







-walking around the city

-clothing design

-baking and cooking (although she never has time to do it)



-bite her bottom lip when worried


-falling asleep on history class

-sneezing while laughing

-play with her hair when bored

-staring at people with candy :P

-when someone flirts with her, she flirts back playfuly, joking.

-draw on her food with ketchup (?)



-she was jaehyo's girlfriend, she still can't get over him, she wants him back.

-she used to be really smart on elementary school, she's not sure what happened.

-she likes videogames and plays often after practice.

-her cat is called oreo.

-the reason jaehyo broke up with her was because he thought she was "too much for him"

-she hates that her birthday it's the same day as christmas, because people often forget or celebrate chritmas instead of her birthday, also because she never gets extra gifts.

-she always walks around Seoul at night, she just enjoys the view.

-lots of men had flirted with her since she moved to Seoul, and they never believe her when she says she's underaged...until she starts talking.

-she often argues with the teachers, in a friendly way, she's really outgoing with them, like if they were friends.

-she has a bit of a crush with her math teacher, she considers him a "handsome, gentle prince charming".



idol face: Jia (Miss A)

back-up face: Suzy (Miss A)

height: 170 cm

weight: 65kg

style: She likes to give her personal touch to everything she wears, maybe by adding accesories or even making a full new outfit on her own, she loves fashion, she always wear different styles and is not afraid of wearing lots of different clothing, wether it could be skirts, dresses, jeans, shorts, jumpers or even jumpsuits, she likes to be colorful and unique when it comes to clothes.

-casual: ✖  ✖  ✖  

-school: ✖  ✖  ✖  

-dorm: ✖  ✖  ✖  

-formal: ✖  ✖  ✖  

-cheer practice: ✖  ✖  ✖  ✖ 





love interest name: Kim Himchan

personality: He's funny, he often does aegyo and likes to poke people's cheek, specially Ali's, Himchan considers her a cool girl-friend and loves to hang out with her. He's outgoing and likes to joke around. He's cold and quite when angry, but people rarely sees him that way. He's a gentleman and it's so charming and charismatic.

how he acts in front of girls: He's really picky when it comes to girls.


cheer friends:

Minah | 19 | Outgoing&Cute&Talkative&Hyper | She was Ali's partner on another cheer team she was on when she lived in Paris, they're really close and stillcontact each other, Minah is planning to move to Seoul to study and to visit Ali. | Tumbler |


GaYoon | 20 | Outgoing&Quiet&y&GreatLeader | She was the leader of a cheer team Ali used to be on too, she always help Ali whenever she needed, so they becomed friends, even though time has passed, both of them still chat and have fun together, she's crrently studying college, dreaming of becoming a lawyer someday | Base |


the closest cheer friends: Bang Minah

favourite class: Math (obviously, not because of the class but the teacher...)

worst class(es): History.


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