
HAPPY 365 DAYS of EXO!  엑소

When the skies and grounds were one the legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life….. << I still don’t get the purpose of the narration in the beginning but I do admit is was magical.

It's been exactly one year since the 12 beautiful, dorky, amazing, cutest boys ever debuted~ I never knew they'll actually steal my heart ♥ All of them have a special place in my heart my BIAS GROUP!~ 365 days and STILL NO COMEBACK! COME ON NOW SM! First September then November then December then February then March!.... But I won’t give up on them because I know EXO have worked really hard for the past year or more and they deserve the rest they needed! Since I ain’t no sesang fan *cough cough* However I don’t intend to date or do horrible things to them, I don’t care if they have a girlfriend (me) or have an ideal type. Just catching a glimpse of them will make me the happiest fan on EXO PLANET! ♥ Ever since SM made a statement about a new boy group which set to debut in 2011! And when Kai, Chen, Tao and Luhan appeared on SBS Gayo Daejun 2011 ♥ ever since Kai’s (bloodly) ay teaser came out…. And another 12 more came!~ BUT NO! A total of 23 TEASER! 23 TEASERS!~ and finally APRIL 8TH 2012 was the day which marked they’re debut performance!

I know we don’t have an official fandom name. No fandom colour, no concertsno personal twitter accounts. But hey! I want to make the most of what they have to offer. I want to be dedicated to them and be a part of their family ♥ No matter how crazy I am about them, no one really knows how much I adore and support the 12! They influence me so much in a short period of time, this may sound weird and stalker-ish but one day I wish to meet them and just thank them for everything.




Starting off with the OLDEST (youngest) CUTEST member ever!


FREEZE. I go against Xuiminnie being the oldest in EXO! How is he the oldest, he has a cute baozi face I just want to eat up! (lol) On January 26th 2012 was the day I first laid eyes on this boy! And boy! He’s in a teaser with Kai! No solo teaser! SM YOU BETTER GIVE HIM ENOUGH ATTENTION FOR THEIR COMEBACK!~  He’s the hyung I always wanted he takes good care of the EXO members, this adorable little cutie is too much I think he’s the only member which is not afraid of acting cute! And you remind me of a cutie pie named Mei-Young (Stephanie) because you both have a bubbly personality and a baby face flawless skin Asians!

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TELEKINESIS. Aigooo~ this child and his baby face is too much! Lulu the deer is the kindest most loveable boy ever! How can you not admire him!? He is in love with football and he wants to come to England to meet Man united, I’m jealous of him because he got randomly stop in Myeongdong by an SM representative and got casted into SM, I believe he gets along with everyone in EXO and you cannot be awkward with this child! Plus I never knew the boy behind the cutie face has a y chocolate abs!! I love your optimism and your photogenic face you’re too cute for my liking.

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FLIGHT. Kreasesss~ I may know him for his ‘Roll Like a Buffalo’ Kris! Despite being the 3rd oldest you are such a good leader and I appreciate you leading EXO into making HISTORY! You’re an amazing and unique duizhang, you TOO MADER-EFFING TALL!!~ Why are you so tall, is that even normal for an Asian? Keke! From you’re gangster Engrish and your ‘Maybe next time’ phrase, I still love you and your failed ageyo face! And of course you’re AYOOOOOO WASS UPPPP!! I first saw you on February 17th 2013 with your flying teaser; you made me believe that I can fly as well. I hope to meet you one day and say ‘AYOOO WAD UP KREASEEE’ You’re so considerate and mature about everything, I expect to see the sweet, childish side of this duizhang very soon, plus you are very talented for speaking 4 languages and how can I forget your face hahahah. Your face re minds me of the young grasshopper named STEPHIE! your cold exterior but a warm heart inside! plus you guys are tall.

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WATER. The sweet, beautiful, thoughtful, and most caring leader! For not only in EXO-K but for EXO12. The guardian angel which came upon Earth to guard EXO and their fans, how can I thank him enough for what he has done for the past 365 days? He trained for 7 years waiting to debut even his hoobaes and dongsaengs debuted before him, he was patient and finally debuted with EXO and I’m proud of him and all his training was worth it in the end. I love this boy very dearly I first saw him on February 15th 2012 and I grew to love him even more. He’s the appa of the group and takes care of everyone even if everyone is moody and tired; he’s sweet angelic smile and his exaggerating singing face. Thank you Suho for guarding EXO.

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HEALING. LayLay the unicorn, why are you so forgetful and delightful at the same time? I believe there’s a hidden personality backstage, even if you deny you’re the funniest,  I can just tell you make everyone laugh! I see it in your eyes!! I hope you can open to fans soon because I know there’s a derp and dork in you Lay ^^ YiXing makes me crave Lays forever. On January 17th 2012 is when I saw his powerful dance teaser! He heals the EXO members both emotionally and physically he’s Korean is just wowowowow and you’re a very talented little unicorn because you can compose, sing, write lyrics at the same time~ I heard all your pre-debut songs and you dancing to nobday! Plus your dimples are so cute; can we swap cheeks YiXing-ahh? Thank you for all your hard work and efforts young unicorn, you made me believe that unicorns can actually be real!

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LIGHT. The greasy bacon! BACON, I LOVE BACON!!! This boy is just plain greasy and cheesy like a bacon, you’re cute smile just melts me; I still cannot believe you’ve been training in SM for under a year! Is that even possible? Your voice is astonishing and I can listen to you chatting and singing all day long, I’m glad to see that you’ve open up to fans so quickly! You’re the most dorkest out of the 12 and you’re no afraid to act cute, furthermore I love you because you love speaking Tagalog! The way you sang Hawag Kamay gets be excited and spazz.  I can already tell that you’re one of the jokers in EXO along with Chanyeol and LayLay. Plus I see you pre-debut videos! No wonder Lee SooMan gave you the power of light keke~ all you’re pre-debut are so cute and hilarious. Thank you for making my days brighter Baekhyunnie!

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THUNDER. Danshing mashing Chen Chen as arrived! Well where can I start? This troll making everyone pissed off haha xD you’re so sweet and lovable, I wish you can be more open to fans but it’s understandable since you cannot speak mandarin well, however You’re Chinese is amazing! It’s hard to believe that you only train for under a year in SM and manage to be the main vocalist and be in a completely non speaking Korean group! (ish) You amaze me Kim Jongdae and I cannot forget you amazing Harry Potter hair and glasses making you look like an ahjussi! Yet again your voice captures my heart you’re power vocal is marvellous and I would like to hear you sing Korean as well! Keep working hard Chen Chen! HWAITING~

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FIRE. Okay my first impression of this boy was WTF happen to your hair? Seriously it’s like a hectic fire flame!~ furthermore you’re laugh. Your laugh! Your eye goes smaller than the other is just so charming and adorable, you dorky happy virus! Aigoo you cheer my day Park Chanyeol and you’re also the 2nd tallest member which yet again is that even normal for an Asian? Y U SO TALL HUH? Okay your also a dork that thinks everything is funny in unnecessary moments which makes me laugh even more.  And what makes me love you even more is that your face doesn’t match your deep, low and husky voice I mean where the eff that came from? You can deny that Chanyeol’s voice is just attractive and okay! Plus he’s funny engrish ‘HISTOWEEEEEE’ he’s seriously a HAPPY VIRUS he makes everyone laugh and sets the mood…… ‘AYOOO WDD UP KREASEEE’ puahah first words I ever heard him speak!

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EARTH. How can you have the power of earth or strength you just as gentle as a little flower keke~  The umma KYUNGSOO! This adorable, cutie most y voice is D.O! I love how you act so playful and cute when you’re no performing, and then change your expression instantly when you start singing like a god! On January 30th the teaser when I saw you fly that kite but seriously your voice just amazing and it heals me when I’m upset or moody. You’re kind, caring and everything about you is all motherly and you need to cook me some of your special spaghetti because I’m getting hungry right now!  Despite being one of the smallest we can both relate since I’m short and he’s short plus is eyes are like a cute puppy dog asking for forgiveness. Thank you Kyungsoo for your amazing voice and your cute personality which makes me fall for you every day!

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TIME CONTROL. The power I need the most~ lol TaoTao the big panda! This child is the definition of cute, even if his face doesn’t seem like it who knew that this charismatic, though, scary member happened to be an emotional, shy and romantic kung fu panda? One day I would like to go and talk on the beach with you Tao! You easily cry which makes emotional and my feels inside starts to explode even if you cannot speak good Korean like the other M members; I still think your Korean is amazing! ^^ and your dark circles are attractive and you don’t need to be ashamed~ you’re interior is completely different from your exterior which is unique plus I’m loving your English name, Edison! Thank you Kungfu panda let’s get Kris to buy us some Gucci and I’ll sing you ‘Gucci time’ ne?

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TELEPORTATION. My oppa! My brother~ which apparently looks like me =O *le thank you Stephie* Kai, Kai! The visual of the group and the most mysterious one, I can never put my finger around you Kai! You’re the 2nd youngest yet your fricking hot and charismatic~ and your tanned body also makes you beautiful (getting ually frustrated right now!) You’re dancing is like the best I’ve ever seen you’re the reason why I would like to learn all the EXO dances during the summer so I can be like you! JongIn-ahh you get injured the most please stay healthy and safe because I’ll beat up anyone if they try to hurt you~ Please come back to the UK you forgot about me! You’re dongsaeng! Your little sister hahah jokes jokes I LOVE YOU KAI! You also look like my husband Lee Taemin xD aigoo you and him are like Best friends~

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WIND. Maknae Sehun-ah (TH-EHUN) you and I can get some bubble tea soon!? Okay my first impression of you is you the maknae? Aigoo? I feel like the members just force you to do ageyo every time, you’re so shy and awkward around people! Even if you always hit your hyungs *like Tao* to get whatever you want you’re the tall and beautiful maknae plus your flawless Ulzzang face makes you so attractive, and lets not go on about how you failed your history exam last year! At least you graduated and please do not grow up as fast as Kai-ish stay cute and healthy! I admire your powerful dance because boy! You dance so well furthermore you try to act so swagish and gangstar but just accept the fact that YOUR TOO KAWAII!!~ plus your adorable lisp makes you more lovable and I can hear you talk with your lisp all day every day~ we need to go and gets some bubble tea with Luhan very soon!~ 


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