Crossdress once again.

Due to my boredomness. Though I didn't have enough sleep. *I think I had only 2 to 3hrs sleep* I decided to do a crossdress again. Yes, thanks to Maki-chan who posted this pic *maki-chan I want the original copy!* And to my wig supplier, Ayu-chan. And to Satsuki and his sister Miyuki for the ride. We went to five different malls today. From Sm North, Gateway, Sm Cubao, Sm Megamall and Sm Marikina. Good gracious, people really thought I'm a guy!

We even bumped into one of my friend's uncle, he didn't even recognize me. cool. Thank you to my besfriend for treating me *since I'm preparing for an upcoming concert. I'm saving my allowance* Once again, thank you. I had a lots of fun today. KAMSAHAMNIDA

Well this is what I really look like, recent selca. Ugly isn't it? XDD

~Keymera loves you :)


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SHINing_Exotic #1
Nah you're not ugly