*Sigh* One of those weeks

I was planning on working on my fics plus a new B.A.P one, edits to keep in practice and job searching but that didn't really happen. *Sigh* I did jot down more ideas for some fics but none of them got typed. I did two edits but not as many as I had planned. I feel like such an aweful writer, regardless of what is going on in my life my fics have been on unofficial hiatus for far too long and I feel so badly to my subbies. I've felt so exhausted this week, mentally and physically, the days have gone by far too quickly as well. It feels like yesterday was tuesday and not thursday. 


Hubby and I got sick after Christmas with a cold and sinuses, I got over it after a week but hubby it seems just got over it now just to feel sick again yesterday. The unproductive job search hasn't helped much, it really is taking a lot out of me. Hubby and I really deserve a vacation, haven't been on one in a couple years now but it doesn't look like we will get one any time soon either. 


Hope everyone else out there is do far better than we are, and hope everyone has an amazing weekend as well!


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