Day 2: And I Have Yet To Have Gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays Still (1:52PM - 2:31PM)

Day 2:

Today was a pretty great day. The nerves from yesterday are still a little out of whack, but I'm so much better today.
I didn't have to go through first period due to an FFA assembly, second period was spent doing practically NOTHING, third period I got to watch Despicable Me ("It's so fluffy!!!!!" xDDD), fourth period I usually go to P.E., which is where everything went great today.
We have a student teacher coach with us along with our actual coach in P.E. but it just so happened that our real coach wasn't there today.  Well, my Chemistry teacher usually goes in there because he doesn't have a class scheduled 4th period except on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays b/c he does tutoring for Chemistry. (I go in there to skip P.E. & b/c Science is a weak subject for me) However, my Chem teacher couldn't do tutoring today due to the student teacher being the only one in P.E. (which isn't allowed)  My teacher said I could stay in the classroom, but instead I went into my Alg II class. (A weak subject for me, not b/c it's math, but just b/c that S**T is F**KING HARD.)
So I stayed in the fourth period math class (Calculus?) the whole time, then I went to get my lunch and I went straight back since Algebra II had a test.  I managed to finish my test early and made it to sixth period, which was my LAST CLASS OF THE DAY.  Right now, if it hadn't of been an early release, I would be in Horticulture. (Actually a fun class)  But instead, I'm home alone with some seasoned chicken in the oven. I don't know what I'll make w/ it, but it'll be something.
Fun Fact about me: I love to cook. (Kind of want to do it professionally, but I don't at the same time.)
So that has been all for today. I might add more later, but I don't know yet.


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