
It's surprising how i kinda douche these days. Like how i stated craps that offended people and all (even if i didn't intendded to). self indulge my self with avoiding my responsibility on beta-ing, co-writing, and doing anything in general.

and i'm kinda end up here because my friends used to my emo swings and i just don't have the heart to bother them this time. *sigh*

i just realized (because i'm lazy and have too much time for my self so i kinda track back here) that i leave stupid comment on someone wall post. y'know, typos is something that hard to avoid, especially if we type in hurry. but i kinda have certain typos that always repeated like how 'your' lack of 'r' and negative sentence always lack of 'not'.

There's this author who thanked me for commenting on her fic, and i replied on her wall with "you should have to thank me" instead of "you shouldn't" which is so damn embarrassing not mention sound like an . and i thought my worst typos was "Can i add you friend?"

i'm so pathetic ;A;


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