Why I'm Neither Democrat Or Republican

I used to consider myself as a republican, until I saw how some of them acted it made me ashamed to be one. Then I tried democrat at one point but again they are kind of... ... okay no comment there so now I'm an independant person.

But I do believe both Obama AND Romney make good points.

I agree with some of Mr. Obama's views and some of Mr. Romney's views. Neither of them are perfect and it amazes me how people expect them both to do a perfect job. I think Obama does lie a lot though sorry Obama fans, and he doesn't even greet Israel's prime minister? He talked to the guy for an hour on the phone AND put his feet up to him how disrespectful is that? I know some of you are gonna bash me for saying that but meh I don't care what anyone thinks anymore.

Go ahead and call me a racist, not the first time I've been called one for disagreeing with Obama. My mom got lashed out at one of her own friends on Facebook because she doesn't support Obama and was having a conversation about him to with one of her other friends. Now before you say 'Well maybe your mother shouldn't talk about the president-.'

Hold up for a moment.

This is AMERICA. We all have freedom of speech here don't we? Kind of? Sort of? But anywho: Some *Note I said SOME* Obama fans treat him like-like he's a God or a messiah but he's just a MAN. When President Bush was in office, some of you democrats say that you need to support Obama did you guys support Bush? Probably not am I right?

We are in six TRILLION dollars in debt right now. Bush got us in debt in only eight years, but Obama got us that high in debt in only four years. Four years is less then eight years -__-

It's perfectly okay if you like Obama, but you do NOT call someone a racist because they don't like him.


The point I'm trying to make here is this.


If you want respect, you have to respect other's view points and beliefs in order to gain respect yourself's.


I agree on Obama's view point to on homouality even though I'm a Christian and straight. Some people judge me though for supporting LGBT rights because I'm a straight, Christian woman but my nana told me to ignore those people. She may not agree with homouality but she doesn't bash me or disown me or think differently of me.



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I;m... I dunno lol.
A Democrat? But I'm Aussie, so this whole politics thing (for our country) doesn't really affect me, hehe... but I've learnt something new :3
I'm a Democrat. :3

I really liked the second debate. It was a lot more engaging, and they really argued with each other, as a debate should be. They get to defend their points accordingly and were successful at it.

I honestly didn't like Romney last night, especially what he said about women. Government should make our decisions. Yeah. No. I rather not pls. The immigration issue...-___- 47 percent still bugs me.

Obama didn't fail as a president, but he could've done better. A lot better. We didn't get new jobs and the debt is still higher. Raising the debt ceiling and losing our AAA rating is prettyyy bad. GDP is barely 1% and growth happens at around 5. Gas prices are high and people are still discouraged.

I believe the biggest factor in this election is the econ part. Who will provide the "better" econ plan to move our econony forward and get us to be a producing company again. Both plans are quite reasonable, but the thing is, which one will work for our given situation? I guess we'll see, yes?

/horrible essay

iheart2ne1dara #3
Both of them weren't...polite to each other in the debate. Was disapoited but I'm leaning towards Obama this time. I get the feeling that he's a really nice dude. And I've always had a lot of respect for him
At last, somebody who isn't just blindly adhering to one side while demonizing the other. A lot of my friends are super liberal, and all some of them seem to do is bash Romney and worship Obama, and it pisses me off because they're so narrow-minded about it. e_e
It's sad, but on my FB my close friends are the ones who just make fun of the debate...not the politicians or their views, but little things that make us watch it. Oh fails >.< They just come out during presidential debates.
Did you try out this quiz? http://www.isidewith.com/presidential-election-quiz
I side with Obama 85% of the time...but only that much >.<
I agree, I think both sides have good points and bad points.
To be honest, I don't pay as much attention as I should to the politics of America at the moment. I refuse to take a position on these issues.
I guess my hesitancy to participate in the whole presidential race is because I can never tell what the truth is, or what I should think. I truly believe that I am not educated nor experienced enough to make an impartial, well-informed decision about what I want to support or denounce.
So, I guess because of my indecisiveness I'm going to stay independent, like I've always classified myself. Glad to see I'm not alone. Welcome to the party! ^.^