Funny Junk My Umma Says XD

Shows Mom a picture of SHINee from Lucifer to make a Taemin costume.

Mom: *points directly at Taemin without me saying anything* That's the Sissy-Mary one that you like.


Everytime I listen to Lucifer, I injure myself, no joke. Making dinner, I put my iPod on shuffle, and Lucifer happens to come on the moment my mom walks in the door.

Mom: I know this so- OH ! *runs into the kitchen* Are you dead?!


Again, I have what I call "Lucifer Syndrome"...Where everytime I listen to/ dance to Lucifer I injure myself. Dancing and my mom walks into the room, watching me. I hit my hand against a dresser.

Mom: You're doing the dance wrong.


11:30 at night after getting home from a dance competition. Parents are already asleep, I'm sitting on my computer, looking at allkpop articles. Mom comes back upstairs, completely awake.

Mom: You need to do something. Everywhere I go, everything I do...all I hear is SHINee.


Out to eat at a Chinese buffet, but we're waiting since the place is packed.

Mom: *leans over me and points towards the back of the restaurant* Hey, that guy looks like that short muscly one from SHINee. Go over and flirt with him.


Sitting in church, waiting for the service to start. A Filipinho family walks by, and the fairly young, cute son walks behind his family. Large glasses, dark eyes, fau-hawk hair. Passes by right in front of us.

Mom: *points* Look, another SHINee fan.


Showing Mom the dance to Block B's Freeze before I start learning it.

Me: I'm going to start learning this dance. It looks really hard.

Mom: No, don't do it, this dance . I like SHINee's dances better.


Showing Mom my Block B fanart.

Me: *pointing to my artwork of Zico* That's Zico, Mom. He's my favorite idol. I love him, but he loves Hello Kitty more.

Mom: Is he gay?


Going through some old stuff and discovering a few random Hello Kitty pieces that I quickly take and put back away.

Brother: What's with your sudden addiction with Hello Kitty?

Mom: Ohh! *jumping up and down with her hand raised* I know the answer to that!



XD As you can see, my mom is quite the closet Shawol. She's freaking hysterical. More to come as she spouts nonsense ♥ Aish, saranghae, Umma~ ♥


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hahahahaha~ your mom's epic! LMAOOOOO!!!
byunqrins_ #2
Hahaha~ You are so lucky to have that type of mom :3 My family knows about my kpop obsession but my mom don't even care xDD
VampireKnights #3
Omo ur umma really funny * giggles * she's really great
LilShineeAngel4501 #4
Lol haha Thats so funny .. My family knows my obsession too but I don't show my mom cuz she thinks Shinee is Girly XD my dad is forced to listen to Kpop in te car and he started humming hello once :D I got my brother addicted to Kpop XD<br />
I want a closet Shinee fan umma too ~
wow your mom is really cool! damn she even recongizes who each member is kekeke a closet shawol. my moms like why do you like these girly guya -_____- but i got my dad singing along to lucifer once....well more like whistling to it but still progress ^^<br />
@Kayalajo1375 hahahaha your mom is hilarous! omg i wish my mom would tell me to marry shinee and mblaq. that would make my day. but for some reason my mom has thing against guys with abs.
your mum sounds awesome, my mum recently found out that im into kpop and now she thinks im a freak XD LOL go over and flirt with him, if only my mother was like that XD
SMzShawol #7
I love your mom xDD<br />
hehe she's so cool!
parkmira #8
lol <br />
that is one kind of syndrome
Hanniex #9
haha lol that made me laugh! especially the 'go over and flirt with him' and the 'everything i do all i hear is shinee' <br />
once you hear kpop there's no going back lmao
lmao your mow is totally awesome while mines is like "tita i don;t understand a single word they are saying". me "me neither until i look up the lyrics. for the time being please let me drown in hotness, iness and cuteness thanks ma love you." mom "aish you're weird" lol<br />
<br />
@Kayalajo1375: omo your mom sounds hilarious. marry them so she can show them off to her friends lol
Sincera #11
aww that is cute!!! Your mom is awesome! :)
suju1375 #12
Your mom is awsome! she reminds me of my mom, if I ever say Super Junior she will be like "oh that group with really hot guy with the greats abbs?" me "Yeah.." mom" you better marrie that man in the future...So I can show him off to my friends and say 'this is my hot son in law, SHOW THEM YOUR ABBS SONNY'" me"MOM!WTF!"
haha~my sister dont really like k-pop she is 2 years old how could she like them anyway when i show her taemin she say"mom"hehe