I might be y, but i'm too picky in anything, including reading. blame it to Supernatural/J2/CW fandoms that have incredible writers that write good reads all the time, my expectation to this fandom also high. like, let say, i hate amateur and messy writer that doesn't even know the basic of writing, like what the is narative modes and all basic things. seriously, so far i only subscribe to less than 5 writers here.

as soon as i see "NO POV" "Eunhyuk POV" "NO-ing-BODY POV" i leave without even bother to try to read. seriously WTF?

not that i'm a good writer my self, but at least i know what i do.



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@ConfessToShisus unfortunate to say that Livejournal isn't much better. of course it's better but you still kinda looping in certain writers for two years. and staying there's kinda sometimes (if you know what i mean) And yeah i did find things like you in here (no, i'm being serious) i just kinda hope to get to know other works y'know... and oh, you don't like second point of view? or you mean by "you"-fic is self-insert fic?<br />
<br />
now i'm thinking... isn't it good if there's this community dedicated to writing in general? so fanfic writer could improve their writing and all... just saying :">
I don't think you're a . It is relatively hard to find very good fanfiction on here sometimes, unfortunately. It's not as good compared to say, Livejournal or fanfiction.net, but I think you can sometimes find things? I am sorry it's getting to you...it gets to me too occasionally, especially the constant "You" fics. I hope you find some more good fics. ^^
Ah so you know me already ^^;; You don't really sound like a b****. Just straightforward and honest, really~ ^^ Glad to know you have a good opinion on me~ Hahahaha!
@Jishubunny Aren't you Jishu@LJ? Well, even in LJ good read still hard to find :")<br />
@--ethereal Oh dear yeah. i have no ing idea why people keep like that. it's disturbing
--ethereal #5
I agree, quality in here is... Oh dear God. <br />
I think nobody's POV is just stupid.
I agree with you that it's hard to look for quality fics compared to livejournal. I took a look at your subscriptions. I'm hoping you might like my fic~ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/62198/1/ It's only a Eunhae one-shot~ ^^