Let's be friends!

I create my Fics on the basis of a dream or idea and from there on, I allow the writing to flow out with no general idea of what or how the story will go or end. All of my Fics chapters are written with no plans or anything. My fingers actually type out the story by themselves lol, my muse wil write and all I have to do is be listening to music or something and things will just click into a flow. I try to update everyday if I can so my subscribers will have something to read after school or work since its stressful and this gives them something to look forward to or at least I hope they do. Anyway, on that note I guess I should let you all know who your author is. My real name is Rachel, but you can call me Rin, I'm twenty two and live with my grandmother who can't stay by herself and requires twenty four hour care. I love k-pop I can speak Japanese and a little bit of Korean, I'm good in Spanish since my grandmother is Spanish. I base my Fics on things that actually happen to me or i've red about so the reader will be more connected emotionally to the characters. I have a cat named Meko who is insane. He is the reason my username is MEKOSINSANITY. My bias in super junior is Kim Ryeowook, but I love all the members.  I am married, and I can't cook lol. I like travel and learn diffrent languages. I play the flute, piano, and I can speed read. I want to be a writer ever since I was little. I won writing awards when I was in school and use to do people's English homework for money in school.  I hope I can be friends with my readers and this little blog helped get us closer. Just comment at the bottom and I hope we can be friends. Hello, annhyeong, bonjour, ohayo, hola!  


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^^ That's awesome I don't know if I told you but my name is Savanna ^^ Ummmmmm, I like to read, and write obviously. It makes me happy to know that you enjoy my fanfics as much as I enjoy yours though I am a silent reader >.< Really I am a lot like you I don't know what I am going to write about up to the time I actually write about it. Though I write about stuff I want to happen and maybe that might be my downfall in writing but still I think you do an awesome job at what you do and still balance everything else on your plate since you update almost everyday which is something I find impressive. I wish you luck! And always enjoy reading and writing ^^
SuperJunior713 #2
Hello fellow Ryeosomnia. It's so nice to meet you!
So that's why your username is called that. xDDDD
When you write, you sound just like me. >.< I don't know where the story will go, but my fingers will do the work for me.
I love your fanfics. They seem so interesting and exciting. :D
Well I hope I can get to know you better. ^-^
Woaow, do you speak spanish? ^^ I'm from Spain >.< And Japanase. I want too~
Nice to meet you <3 You know, I love your fics, I'm reading your MinWook/KyuSung right now!
Are you married? Wow, I think you're so young! I'm 16!
I love cats! I have a cat, it's Luna >.<
Bueno, encantada de conocerte!
See you!
MochiPanda #4
Annyeong!! I love your username:) You can speak Japanese?? Thats cool! I want to learn Japanese
Nice to meet you.
My username is based on my favorite dessert which is Mochi and my favorite animal is a Panda. Also i name mines MochiPanda becuz of Henry of SJM.My fave suju member is Leeteuk and Ryeowook :) Still i love all the members.
I would friend you if I wasn't already your friend! ^^
It's nice to know more about you unnie!