Good Books? I Need Help

Alright, so my little sisters birthday is coming soon (August 5th) and she will be turning 17 (why do they grow up so fast TT_TT)

I don't know what to buy to her!! She loves books so I'm thinking about buying one or two of them to her, but problem is that I don't know anything about fantasy/vampire books (she loves them) since I only read mystery ones. She already has Harry Potter, Twilight, True Blood and Vampire Diary books, so are there any other good books like them?

I really need help XD

Thank you already ^^


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Thank you so much for help :) I will check those books ^^
jeniscool100 #2
Let's see...<br />
There's this book I began reading that I really liked called The Mortal Instruments. The first book in the series is called City of Bones. I never finished the first book, but I remember liking it a lot. It has become a really popular fantasy book over here and I think she'd really like it.(:
And your sisters birthday is a day before my sister's! But my sister is turning 7:P
Hex hall! And then there is the seconed book demonglass.
Vampire Beach series. Try the Wicked Lovely series...err...what else...The Mortal Instruments. The Infernal Devices. The Hunger Games trilogy...Leviathan and Behemoth (they're part of a trilogy as well; Goliath, the third book, will be out in September). Blue Bloods series. House of Night series...<br />
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