Application for Elements

Who are you?

aff username: RipInTheSky

aff profile link:



name: Chase Tang

*nicknames: His deceased sister called him Cloud because of his rainy attitude.

His best friends call him Pikachu because of his obsession with Pokemon, especially Pikachu.

stage name: Cloud

birthdate: 26/03/1993

age: 19

height/weight: 180cm/60kg

hometown: London, UK.

birthplace: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

ethnicity: Half Chinese, Quarter Caucasian and Quarter Korean

languages: Chinese, English, Korean (He has a British accent when he speaks English)

*bloodtype: AB

Fashion. Style. Looks

ulzzang name: Cheng Junya

pictures of the ulzzang:


back-up ulzzang's name: Yu Ha Min

pictures of the ulzzang:


style: Bright, graphic tees, usually with some snarky comment written on it. He doesn’t like blue jeans, so he wears mostly black skinny jeans. He likes colourful high-tops, especially if they have wings on them. He likes accessories, like scarves, hats, and bracelets. He also likes sleeveless hoodies and hates long sleeved shirts. He likes to wear his big nerdy glasses when he doesn’t have to practice dancing, because he feels it makes him look good. He also has something to hide behind.

Looks are only skin deep

element: Ice

personality: Chase is a quiet guy, but don’t let that deceive you into thinking he is shy. He’s a genius, a mastermind, with many tricks up his sleeves. He calculates everything he says, and he’s very analytical. He thinks logic is the way to go, and looks at everything as if it were a math equation. He seems cold on the outside, but that’s only because his mind is working at a figuring people out. He wants to befriend others, but he is afraid. Afraid of rejection.


He adapts to sudden situations with ease but only if it can be logically solved, such as a math question. But if any of his close friends were to get emotionally or physically hurt, he wouldn’t know what to do.


Sometimes he can be a bit clueless too, especially when it comes to his own and others’ feelings. He is clumsy with feelings and people, so he may hurt others without actually knowing it. That’s why he tries not to say much, and ends up bottling his feelings inside of him.


He’s caring in a quiet way, such as cleaning for his roommates, or cooking, but he would only do it when he is alone. He would also buy gifts for people, and leave it at their doorstep. Once he took an abandoned kitten home with him, and named it Emerald, for the green colour of his eyes. He keeps the cat with him in his dorm.


background: Ever since he was little, he had an interest in computers and math. He loved puzzles and always received the highest marks in the class. The other students would shun him for being too much of a genius, so to save him from constant bullying, his parents decided to move from Hangzhou to London.


That was when he was 8. It was easy for him to learn English, but to learn new customs? He couldn’t do it. He would often come home with tears streaks, and he would lock himself in his room with only his computers and his trusty stuffed penguin, Snowball.


Chase entered high school, a big scary place and knew he had to do something about his crying, so he bottled everything inside of him, but at a price of his smile. He rarely smiles now, smiling slightly more than usual around his closest friends. He was still a genius, of course, but now he was the cool, hot genius instead of the crybaby nerdy genius.


When he turned 16, everything changed for him. His big sister, Scarlett 20, at the time, was and killed. His parents were devastated, and his world began to crumble. He turned to music, and he let out his feelings through song. He still smiled rarely, but there was always a tell-tale hint of a smile when he strummed his guitar. When his parents saw his skill, they urged him to be more open with his music and become something more than just a nerdy boy.


likes: Rainy Days, Milk Pocky, Chocolate Milk Tea, Nutella on Waffles, Soft cuddly things like Teddy Bears, animals, shaved ice.

dislikes: Bubble Tea Pearls, overly flirty and bubbly people, sudden changes, fried chicken,  low-top converse, sandals/ open toed shoes (unless its for swimming)

hobbies: Creating computer programs, playing video games, solving difficult math equations, sketching and painting, playing guitar, songwriting, sleeping

habits: Procrastination,  sleeping in, falling down or dropping things. He’s clumsy with objects, but not with math, games or computers. Sometimes he overthinks things as well.

When he’s hurt or upset, he would play computer until he fell asleep, but when he’s angry, he would practice his martial arts on a dummy until his body couldn’t take it anymore.


trivia: He has a hat collection of 36 hats. One of them is Ash’s hat, from the original first season of Pokemon. He also has a Pikachu beanie.

He has all the Pokemon movies on DVD.

He likes to bake.

At the age of 7, he had built his own computer with a 2.33 ghz processor and 17 inch screen.


bestfriends: Amber Liu, Henry Lau

how do you guys act around each other?: Chase is friendly and likes to joke around with them, but he can keep a pretty good poker face. They are very buddy-buddy with each other, and they prank each other often. Chase manages to pull the best pranks, but afterwards, he analyzes and tries to improve his prank. Both Amber and Henry like to play video games with Chase.


Amber is like a little sister, and Chase feels like he should take care of her. Chase likes to buy Amber things such as food or accessories.


Chase and Henry are like brothers, often play fighting and going out to eat.


friends: Kris Wu, Krystal Jung, Jessica Jung, Nichkhun , and Nicole Jung.

crush or lover?: Chase has a crush on Baekhyun of EXO.

what caused you guys to meet?: Amber and Henry invited Chase to come on a trip to the amusement park with Baekhyun. Chase agreed, and he went along with them. Amber and Henry know that Chase is biual, but he doesn’t seem have much interest in girls. Their plan was to set Chase up with Baekhyun, and it worked, more or less.


In the middle of their ‘date’, Amber and Henry ditched Baekhyun and Chase, so they could spend some alone time. Chase’s Korean wasn’t that good yet, cause he was used to speaking English with all his friends. Baekhyun was very understanding, and spoke slowly to help Chase understand his words.


Chase felt like he could be open with Baekhyun, and that Baekhyun was a nice enough person to not reject him. Chase also fell for Baekhyun’s singing.


his personality?: Baekhyun is sweet and kind, but not bubbly. He’s very friendly and smiles a lot, unlike Chase. They both love cats, and have a lot of common ground, such as their passion for music.


family background: Chase’s Dad is the CEO of a big software company, which is where Chase got his love of computers from. His dad always worked overseas so he didn’t get to see Chase a lot, therefore Chase lived with Mom and sister most of the time.


Chase’s mom is a martial arts teacher, who loves Chase dearly. She taught Chase everything he knows about martial arts, and disciplined him to be a gentleman. Chase used to smile and be very polite, until the tragedy that befell them.


Scarlet was murdered at age 20, and their family lost a piece of their puzzle. Chase didn’t smile after that, and didn’t talk to his mother or his father. He would go to school, get top grades, and come home and go straight to his computer. That’s how he dealt with the pain of losing his dear older sister.


Chase’s mother felt like she had lost her son as well, and Chase realized the mistake he had made. He started interacting with his mother again, and only smiled a little bit. It was the least he could do for his mother, who was the only person left living with him after Scarlet died.



family members: Brandon Hwang – Dad.


His dad wanted Chase to become a CEO, but Chase’s heart wasn’t in it. He still wishes his son would become a CEO, but when he saw how much music had changed his son, he gave up and let his son do whatever. Chase’s is always working in other countries. Chase doesn’t get to see his dad very often, therefore they are very awkward with each other. Chase’s dad often sends him emails asking him if he is well, and if he’s eating right.


Celia Tang: Doting mother, but is very harsh and aggressive. She loves Chase and would do anything to protect her son. The reason why Chase is so disciplined is because of his mother. Chase’s mother doesn’t like computers, but she can’t do something that would hurt her son.


She’s also a bit of a ditz, forgetting things, and sometimes burning the food. She’s disorganized, but Chase always helps her.


Scarlet Tang: Older sister by 4 and a half years, was murdered after being . Before her death, Chase would take care of Scarlet even though she was older.



rivals: Chanyeol of EXO because of how close he is with Baekhyun. He doesn’t show it, but he’s secretly a little bit jealous. He also wishes to become popular like him.

Do you have what it takes?

position: Main Vocalist, Rapper





back-up position :Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper

persona: Cold and sarcastic, witty, and charming Brain.

personal fanclub: Snowballs, colour: white and silver

trainee years: At first he was terrified of going to YG to train. He didn’t want to be too far from his home in London, plus he was unfamiliar with the Korean language. He knew it was something that he had to do though, so he went along with it.


When he arrived in Korea, he was the typical cold and quiet one, practicing dances over and over without a word, and following instructions with nothing to say. The other trainees didn’t like him, cause he was almost emotionless.


He was pretty much invisible until he was told he was going to debut. Then the other trainees paid attention to him. They always wondered why he would debut when he didn’t have any charms, or emotions. But that wasn’t true. His charm was his sarcastic and witty remarks to those close to him, (his trainers) and his talents.



how you got discovered: After much encouragement from his parents, he entered his school’s talent show, and won. His school saw his talent, they let him use the recording equipment and microphones to record his songs and practice. Then he finally decided to put some covers on YouTube, and a YG representative found his videos and casted him.

Password and anything else you'd like to add

debut song suggestions: Goodbye-BAP

comments: I like the way the teasers are Twitter and Me2Day :D That’s really creative, because lost of people like to use the AllKpop layout. Also, I really look forward to this story!!! Fighting!! :D

password: your bias. Or am I actually supposed to put the name of my bias here? If so then Sunggyu from Infinite LOL

Who are you?

aff username: RipInTheSky

aff profile link:



name: Chase Tang

*nicknames: His deceased sister called him Cloud because of his rainy attitude.

His best friends call him Pikachu because of his obsession with Pokemon, especially Pikachu.

stage name: Cloud

birthdate: 26/03/1993

age: 19

height/weight: 180cm/60kg

hometown: London, UK.

birthplace: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

ethnicity: Half Chinese, Quarter Caucasian and Quarter Korean

languages: Chinese, English, Korean (He has a British accent when he speaks English)

*bloodtype: AB

Fashion. Style. Looks

ulzzang name: Cheng Junya

pictures of the ulzzang:


back-up ulzzang's name: Yu Ha Min

pictures of the ulzzang:


style: Bright, graphic tees, usually with some snarky comment written on it. He doesn’t like blue jeans, so he wears mostly black skinny jeans. He likes colourful high-tops, especially if they have wings on them. He likes accessories, like scarves, hats, and bracelets. He also likes sleeveless hoodies and hates long sleeved shirts. He likes to wear his big nerdy glasses when he doesn’t have to practice dancing, because he feels it makes him look good. He also has something to hide behind.

Looks are only skin deep

element: Ice

personality: Chase is a quiet guy, but don’t let that deceive you into thinking he is shy. He’s a genius, a mastermind, with many tricks up his sleeves. He calculates everything he says, and he’s very analytical. He thinks logic is the way to go, and looks at everything as if it were a math equation. He seems cold on the outside, but that’s only because his mind is working at a figuring people out. He wants to befriend others, but he is afraid. Afraid of rejection.


He adapts to sudden situations with ease but only if it can be logically solved, such as a math question. But if any of his close friends were to get emotionally or physically hurt, he wouldn’t know what to do.


Sometimes he can be a bit clueless too, especially when it comes to his own and others’ feelings. He is clumsy with feelings and people, so he may hurt others without actually knowing it. That’s why he tries not to say much, and ends up bottling his feelings inside of him.


He’s caring in a quiet way, such as cleaning for his roommates, or cooking, but he would only do it when he is alone. He would also buy gifts for people, and leave it at their doorstep. Once he took an abandoned kitten home with him, and named it Emerald, for the green colour of his eyes. He keeps the cat with him in his dorm.


background: Ever since he was little, he had an interest in computers and math. He loved puzzles and always received the highest marks in the class. The other students would shun him for being too much of a genius, so to save him from constant bullying, his parents decided to move from Hangzhou to London.


That was when he was 8. It was easy for him to learn English, but to learn new customs? He couldn’t do it. He would often come home with tears streaks, and he would lock himself in his room with only his computers and his trusty stuffed penguin, Snowball.


Chase entered high school, a big scary place and knew he had to do something about his crying, so he bottled everything inside of him, but at a price of his smile. He rarely smiles now, smiling slightly more than usual around his closest friends. He was still a genius, of course, but now he was the cool, hot genius instead of the crybaby nerdy genius.


When he turned 16, everything changed for him. His big sister, Scarlett 20, at the time, was and killed. His parents were devastated, and his world began to crumble. He turned to music, and he let out his feelings through song. He still smiled rarely, but there was always a tell-tale hint of a smile when he strummed his guitar. When his parents saw his skill, they urged him to be more open with his music and become something more than just a nerdy boy.


likes: Rainy Days, Milk Pocky, Chocolate Milk Tea, Nutella on Waffles, Soft cuddly things like Teddy Bears, animals, shaved ice.

dislikes: Bubble Tea Pearls, overly flirty and bubbly people, sudden changes, fried chicken,  low-top converse, sandals/ open toed shoes (unless its for swimming)

hobbies: Creating computer programs, playing video games, solving difficult math equations, sketching and painting, playing guitar, songwriting, sleeping

habits: Procrastination,  sleeping in, falling down or dropping things. He’s clumsy with objects, but not with math, games or computers. Sometimes he overthinks things as well.

When he’s hurt or upset, he would play computer until he fell asleep, but when he’s angry, he would practice his martial arts on a dummy until his body couldn’t take it anymore.


trivia: He has a hat collection of 36 hats. One of them is Ash’s hat, from the original first season of Pokemon. He also has a Pikachu beanie.

He has all the Pokemon movies on DVD.

He likes to bake.

At the age of 7, he had built his own computer with a 2.33 ghz processor and 17 inch screen.


bestfriends: Amber Liu, Henry Lau

how do you guys act around each other?: Chase is friendly and likes to joke around with them, but he can keep a pretty good poker face. They are very buddy-buddy with each other, and they prank each other often. Chase manages to pull the best pranks, but afterwards, he analyzes and tries to improve his prank. Both Amber and Henry like to play video games with Chase.


Amber is like a little sister, and Chase feels like he should take care of her. Chase likes to buy Amber things such as food or accessories.


Chase and Henry are like brothers, often play fighting and going out to eat.


friends: Kris Wu, Krystal Jung, Jessica Jung, Nichkhun , and Nicole Jung.

crush or lover?: Chase has a crush on Baekhyun of EXO.

what caused you guys to meet?: Amber and Henry invited Chase to come on a trip to the amusement park with Baekhyun. Chase agreed, and he went along with them. Amber and Henry know that Chase is biual, but he doesn’t seem have much interest in girls. Their plan was to set Chase up with Baekhyun, and it worked, more or less.


In the middle of their ‘date’, Amber and Henry ditched Baekhyun and Chase, so they could spend some alone time. Chase’s Korean wasn’t that good yet, cause he was used to speaking English with all his friends. Baekhyun was very understanding, and spoke slowly to help Chase understand his words.


Chase felt like he could be open with Baekhyun, and that Baekhyun was a nice enough person to not reject him. Chase also fell for Baekhyun’s singing.


his personality?: Baekhyun is sweet and kind, but not bubbly. He’s very friendly and smiles a lot, unlike Chase. They both love cats, and have a lot of common ground, such as their passion for music.


family background: Chase’s Dad is the CEO of a big software company, which is where Chase got his love of computers from. His dad always worked overseas so he didn’t get to see Chase a lot, therefore Chase lived with Mom and sister most of the time.


Chase’s mom is a martial arts teacher, who loves Chase dearly. She taught Chase everything he knows about martial arts, and disciplined him to be a gentleman. Chase used to smile and be very polite, until the tragedy that befell them.


Scarlet was murdered at age 20, and their family lost a piece of their puzzle. Chase didn’t smile after that, and didn’t talk to his mother or his father. He would go to school, get top grades, and come home and go straight to his computer. That’s how he dealt with the pain of losing his dear older sister.


Chase’s mother felt like she had lost her son as well, and Chase realized the mistake he had made. He started interacting with his mother again, and only smiled a little bit. It was the least he could do for his mother, who was the only person left living with him after Scarlet died.



family members: Brandon Hwang – Dad.


His dad wanted Chase to become a CEO, but Chase’s heart wasn’t in it. He still wishes his son would become a CEO, but when he saw how much music had changed his son, he gave up and let his son do whatever. Chase’s is always working in other countries. Chase doesn’t get to see his dad very often, therefore they are very awkward with each other. Chase’s dad often sends him emails asking him if he is well, and if he’s eating right.


Celia Tang: Doting mother, but is very harsh and aggressive. She loves Chase and would do anything to protect her son. The reason why Chase is so disciplined is because of his mother. Chase’s mother doesn’t like computers, but she can’t do something that would hurt her son.


She’s also a bit of a ditz, forgetting things, and sometimes burning the food. She’s disorganized, but Chase always helps her.


Scarlet Tang: Older sister by 4 and a half years, was murdered after being . Before her death, Chase would take care of Scarlet even though she was older.



rivals: Chanyeol of EXO because of how close he is with Baekhyun. He doesn’t show it, but he’s secretly a little bit jealous. He also wishes to become popular like him.

Do you have what it takes?

position: Main Vocalist, Rapper





back-up position :Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper

persona: Cold and sarcastic, witty, and charming Brain.

personal fanclub: Snowballs, colour: white and silver

trainee years: At first he was terrified of going to YG to train. He didn’t want to be too far from his home in London, plus he was unfamiliar with the Korean language. He knew it was something that he had to do though, so he went along with it.


When he arrived in Korea, he was the typical cold and quiet one, practicing dances over and over without a word, and following instructions with nothing to say. The other trainees didn’t like him, cause he was almost emotionless.


He was pretty much invisible until he was told he was going to debut. Then the other trainees paid attention to him. They always wondered why he would debut when he didn’t have any charms, or emotions. But that wasn’t true. His charm was his sarcastic and witty remarks to those close to him, (his trainers) and his talents.



how you got discovered: After much encouragement from his parents, he entered his school’s talent show, and won. His school saw his talent, they let him use the recording equipment and microphones to record his songs and practice. Then he finally decided to put some covers on YouTube, and a YG representative found his videos and casted him.

Password and anything else you'd like to add

debut song suggestions: Goodbye-BAP

comments: I like the way the teasers are Twitter and Me2Day :D That’s really creative, because lost of people like to use the AllKpop layout. Also, I really look forward to this story!!! Fighting!! :D

password: your bias. Or am I actually supposed to put the name of my bias here? If so then Sunggyu from Infinite LOL



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