I miss US

Ever feels like you're drifting further apart from someone? Yeah, it .

That person did not do anything wrong, nor did they do anything right.

That person never tried to ignore you, nor did they try to contact you.

That person is not forgetting you, nor are they remembering you.

That person is happy, but not because of you.

I miss that person so badly.

I need her. but that person doesn't seem to be needing me.

I miss how we used to be., but right now that person is making memories with someone else.

That person used to say that he/she's gonna miss US, but somehow seems like there's no more US.

Just that person and me.

As I'm typing, I'm relieving all the memories we used to had.

And at the same time, that person is making another.

But not with me.

I suddenly feel the need to cry.

That person haven't done anything yet, but I'm suddenly feel it all fell apart.

I suddenly need a good cry, without knowing the reason.

Maybe it's just me making assumptions, but it still hurts.

*sorry, spamming.. Just need to let it out somehow, somewhere


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LuckyJune #1
Kinda pathetic though LOL
Aww :( really sad...