If You're Interested In The Paranormal....

Then you should check out this novel written by 'Clara M. Miller' called 'Echoes of A Haunting: Revisited'.

Seriously it's REALLY good! I just got it two days ago after one of my cousin's ordered it for me and he also ordered a book by Paul J. Kenyon who's a friend of Clara I guess called 'You Know They're Here' which is in the same setting but this POV I'm guessing but anyway-!

So if you're ever at the library or just browsing around online for a book to buy and if you're fascinated with the supernatural, then I highly reccomend 'Echoes of A Haunting: Revisited' ^^



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Sounds scary. I'm kind of a wimp.
You told me of this book before....now I wanna read it. -_-

So how are things with you and Yunho on the RP? (Totally off topic I know XD)