Korean drama clishes.

1. The girl hates the rich boy in the beginning, but then they start to like each other later on. And also, the rich boy has a mean mom who always tries to destroy the boy and girl relationship. Too many dramas have this storyline. 

2. Also in every drama there is always one "Sa Jang nim". This one is a must. hahaha. The future CEO will be always the main hero, right?

3. They don't turn off their phone, they took off the batteries. In reality, I don't ever meet someone who do that. 

4. The girl eats the meal really fast and greedily. Is she really hungry or what? Girls should not do that in real life. Never!

5. The scenes where the leads walked/drove passed each other without noticing it. Yeah, another one. 

6. Girl ditches the hot 2nd guy for the less hotter main guy. Why don't you go to the 2nd guy? To all Kdramas' directors, please, why the 2nd hero is more handsome than the main hero? T__T 

7. There's an airport scene where the guy runs after the girl he loves or vice versa. Seriously? In reality, this scene is never ever happened. =.='

8. If you fake a relationship with some guy you hate, you'll end up falling in love with him. This famous scene. In tv, in the novel, it's everywhere.

9. Everyone has the same phone. haha. The CEO, the hero,even the heroin who is described as the poor girl, they have the same phone. How can she afford that phone? xD

10.  Cafe Scenes.. Like seriouslyy? Who'd meet someone you hate in a cafe and buy a friggin cup of coffee then leave dramatic after like 3 minutes of talking wasting whatever you bought? Yup.yup.yup. To make the scene even clishe, the coffee or the juice was even untouched. 

11. No matter HOW poor the person is, always seem to have epic Smartphones which even i can't afford and a new outfit for every day of the week (For short 16-ep dramas OK! But for 80-ep dramas....)! Their outfits are different day by day. 

credits to: forums.allkpop.com


so, what your korean drama chishe scene? typical drama scene? let's share together! =)






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flyingberry #1
sometimes the girl is the rich one and she meets a poor guy who she will despise at first but then fall for him.
kyouya3 #2
HAHAHA, thx for pointing that out, wkwk XD It's really something~
Well...cliche's don't really bug me actually. If the character's are enjoyable and the story is enjoyable, I couldn't care less how over-used the plot is :) I guess I don't over think when I watch movies or read novel's/novella's, I just enjoy them ^^