Aaron's latest Weibo update - 12/10/2010

此二十非彼二十啦!The 200,000 is not the 200,000 that you had in mind! //@范范范瑋琪:I phone一支二十萬也太貴了吧?你們好有錢哦!!Isn't one iphone cost $200,000 too expensive? // @炎亞綸 :When you reach 200,000 hits, I'll give you mine //@鬼鬼吴映洁:So y, I also want 200,000 hits [quote]
@炎亞綸:20,000 hit's shy little gift原文转发(4727)|原文评论(3658)


早安,美麗世界!Morning, beautiful world!

今天 06:13来自iPhone客户端


今天 06:14来自iPhone客户端
lately aaron's been obsessed with his Weibo....is the first picture, aaron ???? did u see that??? Guilun interaction my fellow peeps! and his earlier one had even more! Should i also post it on????


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