Why I love K-Pop

Hello guys, Marauder123 here. 

It's not often that I do blogs and all~ can't really be bothered - only on special days and when I feel like typing lol. 

But like Seaworld24, I just want to say how I feel about K-pop and how I came across it. This blog will be similar to Seaworld24, because I've been pending on a subject like this just to fill in the time and really express how I feel. 

I think I should start before I was exposed to anything Korean. I was a HUGE HUGE Harry Potter fan, and I absolutely loved it. I frequently roleplayed as an OOC character in different Harry Potter rp. My first fan fiction was even about Harry Potter! 

But then, I saw Boyfriend's debut song, Boyfriend. To be quite honest, I was *kinda* already into Asian guys (LOL XD) and, hence, I thought Boyfriend was really adorkable :) 

I was a bit skeptical about it, but in the end, I fell in love (in a fangirl way of course) with them, especially the Jo twins. C'mon, you gotta love these two XD.

Then I saw Super Junior's Mr.Simple. The first member that caught my attention was, of course, Eunhyuk and his blonde hair. I kinda laughed at what Sungmin was wearing, because it looked like an apron to me (it still does to this very day). 

It took me a long time to remember their faces and names, but in the end, I got there. I started listening to more SJ songs, and like Boyfriend, I fell in love with them. 

Very soon, I was exposed to a lot of other K-Pop bands like SHINee, SNSD, basically the SM artists. 

My first SNSD mv was actually Hoot. I remember seeing it when someone was showing it, but I didn't actually listen to it, I just saw it. The first SNSD song that I listened to was Gee. (GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY~) 

At first, I found the song quite annoying and repetitive, but it soon grew onto me and I kept singing to it and dancing along. 

But the first K-pop song that I have ever listened to without realising it was KARA's Mister. Thanks Chonny! 

And from there, my love of K-pop grew. I started getting into different bands like CN Blue, DalShabet, After School, Big Bang, F(x), Infinite, etc. 

I was updated with all the latest K-pop news after I found allkpop. 

Because I exposed myself to a lot of K-pop by learning the lyrics to a certain song, trying to write their names in hangul, etc. , I indirectly learnt another language. I can actually read a little hangul and speak even little Korean. 

The terms and cultural differences they had there came to me naturally, and I really thank AFF for that LOL .

But why am I into K-Pop? 

I'm into it because it is unique. I focus on the lyrics, even if it's in another language. I really don't like it when some songs have some balantly (I think I spelt that word wrong~ too lazy to care) bad messages in there - I'm not just talking about the mainstream songs, I'm saying in general. 

Also, it is something different. An alternative to mainstream music. And, the music videos aren't as racy as the ones I've seen before.  

Moving on ....

Thank you to my special friends that introduced me to K-Pop. I don't think I'd be interested in anything else and be a loner if you guys hadn't shown me Boyfriend. I love you guys~! <3 <3 

Well, that's it for this blog~ I might write another one later on, depending on my mood lol.


~Marauder123 ^.^ 

(P.S. OH MY BEAUTIFUL TARGET~ YOU JOOM JOOM MY HEART LIKE A LOCKET~ LOL that song has been in my head for ages now~!) 


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nasomi2011 #1
Wow, it's funny how our stories are similar, yet different. :) That's a nice beginning to your K-Pop fandom, though. :)